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Wrecked The Ss

TAR 71

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Well, last evening on my way to work just after 6 p.m.. I was on the interstate with my cruise set at 74 mph and went to take a drink of soda and got choked. I apparently must have blacked out because the next thing I know is that the airbag is in my face and having the sensation of being airborne. I ran off the road and hit a pile of dirt, logs and such that had come from a pond that was being worked on.


When I hit the pile of dirt( I assume anyway) the airbag went off and woke me up, all I could see was dirt and debris flying through the air and a hell of alot of noise. The pile sent me airborne and the truck landed nose down on the embankment of the pond and then off into the pond( the pond was empty) where the nose struck bottom. I finally came to rest about 100 ft or so out in this empty pond, the pond is a good 15 ft deep. I'm lucky it didn't roll over, the pond embankment is very steep.


I walked away without a scratch, other than a headache and a sore neck. The truck is another story, the frame is bent just behind the cab and it looks as though the front end is bent up and towards the pass side. Underneath the front looks bad also, everything is pushed back. Front bumper cover was wiped out, everything underneath the front end looks bent up.


I'm so pissed right now, I can't hardly stand it. The main thing is that no one got hurt, but I feel terrible that I bent up my truck. I'm lucky that I went to the right off the road and not left towards oncoming traffic. I won't know anything really until Monday when the adjuster from the insurance company looks at it. This is going to be a long weekend waiting to see what is going to happen with it.


Anyway, sorry for the long rant, but I had to get this off my chest. I'll post pics when I get some decent ones, the only pics I have are from my cell phone. They are kinda dark and blurry.





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damn man that blows...atleast your alright..........hopefully they'll total it and you can get whatevever u want now.........how the hell did u black out chokin on some coke lol thats crazy....no other vehicles were invlolved?....did someone put some jack in your coke? jk......glad ur safe!

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Nope, there were no other cars involved. How I blacked out? I have no idea, I when to the ER to get checked out later on. They didn't find anything wrong with me. The also did a catscan because I had headache and found nothing wrong. I don't know exactly what happened.

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Thanks guys, I really appreciate it. This is the first car wreck I've ever had. I've been talking to my dad about this, he's a retired claims adjuster and he fully expects them to total it. I'm not sure if I'll try to find another SS or what I'll get. We'll see what happens.


Thanks again.

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Damn man that seriously blows,i blacked out once and didnt know it,it tunrs out i was drinking with some friends i started laughing at a joke at the same timei started to cough and noticed i was getting light headed and dizzy(which never happens) so i reached for a chair to hold myself up and thats all i remember,the next thing i remember is seeing my friends all looking down at me and thinking wtf is going on?, it turns out when the coughing,laughing occured i must have lost oxygen or blood to my brain which in turn caused me to drop like a stone and not even know what happened.Good luke man hope all works out for the best.

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your lucky your alright, you should focus on that and be happy you made it out!... as sad as it is the truck is replaceable. i know i'd be trippin too, but that's what insurance is for.

Edited by 2006_SUPERADO (see edit history)
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