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Volant Install complete...


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i just finished installing my volant intake. the install took a little longer than expected. just wonding if anyone else had the same problems i did:


1. only 2 of the 10mm bolts lined up to secure the box to the frame work.

2. i had to remove the plastic engine cover to get the tube onto the TB. even then there wasn't much room for it there. about 1" clearance from the fan.

3. had to work completly backwards through the directions to get everything in. i had the box tightened down and go to put the tube in and there just wasn't enough play to get the thing together. so i installed the tube to the TB, attached the rubber piece and screwed everything tight...then attached the mass air sensor and the box...rotated it down into place...it was really a pain in the @$$...but it all worked out in the end.

4. bad head ache from the shots of tequila last night. and the rumbling in my stomach from the perkins we had at 4am.


all in all happy with the results. still have to break everything in. going home to take a nap for now. i'll get a picture up 2morrow of the final product - the box cover on mine is alittle different than what i have seen on everyone elses.




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just did mine also but to get everthing togeather i removed the fan shroud.

it took a bit of fighting putting it back on but dueable. also took top cover off,

and left everything louse to wiggle things around. i found leaving the air box

bolts very louse helps then tighten before installing filter.

also did your CARB.sticker stay?? mine fell off before i started the motor.

calling volant monday for replacement,

runs better and sounds GREAT at wot :thumbs:

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I got mine installed in 15 minutes in -10 degree weather. I did have to push and pull a little bit, plus my Volant symbol on the top of the box was bolted on backwards from the manufacturer. Over all I am happy with the product like everyone else.


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yeah mine was on backwards to. wasn't square when i put it on the right way but it works.


as for the pics. i am having a little problem with loading them onto my computer. the cable is messed up - it got wet. should have a remedy tomorrow. i didn't get many from the install figured everyone has already seen everything. the only this is i may do it over again because i didn't use the provided gromet for the tube to TB connection. i just used the stock one. shouldn't be a problem everything fits fine.


also a little ashamed to post pics of my engine bay right now. way to dirty. i am going to have to clean it all up and make it look perdy... :D

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It is a great kit, in my opion, it is really to cold here in Maine to tell a difference(10 degree's is just to cold for any performance upgrade). It uses a conical airfilter, I am guessing Volant brand, being that it is blue. Over all, I am impressed with it.


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I have heard that the volant air tube and intake are not all that they are cracked up to be?? Please give us a driving impression? WHat is the air filter that the kit uses?

What site did you hear that on? I don't remember anyone having anything bad to say about Volant, as far as the driving experience. I think it's the most recommended CAI that I know of.

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I have heard that the volant air tube and intake are not all that they are cracked up to be??  Please give us a driving impression?  WHat is the air filter that the kit uses?

What site did you hear that on? I don't remember anyone having anything bad to say about Volant, as far as the driving experience. I think it's the most recommended CAI that I know of.

it was on GM-trucks.com

it was probablly for the older trucks not the 03.

Am I right to say that no one has a scoop for the ss, tyburn(sp) said two more weeks? I am going to hate to replace the new K&N I bought when I get the new intake...

does the intake work w/radix?



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Like the new covers. I may have to get one of those, or do the plexiglass thing.


Didn't you say in a previous post you were going to clean your engine first? :P JK Pretty sure you'll love the Volant - I do. Easy to rig your own drop down since the hole is already there.

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