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I tried BSN protein a while back, it was pretty good. My fav so far is muscle milk...very good! For a multipurpose drink though I always liked Myoplex.

I was taking whey for a while until I started getting sick off of it. Doctor said it was probably because of the water that the protein was trying to pull into my stomach. I actually haven't taken anything in a while and really need to get back on something.

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all those shakes suck a$$ the best way is to eat the protein in your food. meaning don't waste the money on that crap you will se more out of regular food. take in 2 to 2.5 grams per pound you weigh. you will see results in the first month then the results will slow down don't stop. remember also you need to consume good carbs and tons of calories to gain the weight.

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i eat A LOT of protein, carbs, and calories and still cant put weight on. im 6'0, 145lbs. i just started taking cytogainer. it has 600 calories per serving, 55g protein, and 3g of creatin. hopefully this will help me bulk up, ill keep u updated

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I'm only 5'6 and I used to way 128. I started working out again and taking weight gainer along with pre and intra/post work out stuff stuff. I used cytogainer for a while and got really sick off that for some reason... its good but i couldnt take it anymore, plus its really high in cholesterol. I'm now using bioplex's weight gainer "weigh in" because it has 0% cholesterol, 550 cal per serving and is made up of very high quality protein. Not to mention its cheap compared to others. One thing you gotta make sure you're doing is taking a full serving to get the full amount of advertised protein. I know a few people that took only one scoop and thought they were getting 55g of protein per serving haha. oh and I weigh 145 now, gained a lot of muscle mass. Look into gaspari products too. I use superpump250 and sizeon. really high quality stuff.


if you're tryin to gain weight, make sure you're takin in more calories than you are burning off.


What are your goals anyway? haha

Edited by haul@ss (see edit history)
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also if your trying to bulk lay off the cardio! if your metabolism is as high as mine your in trouble. but i used to weigh 150 pounds wet now i flex between 215 and 225. read up on this if your serious. i haven't been to the gym in a month or so due to ike killing my favorite gym. F*ing hurricane!

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