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Not A Happy House Right Now


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Well I am learning how my GF handles stress (answer = NOT WELL!) Humor aside she was told by her employer at the end of her work day to take her things with her and not come back, because of the election results (OBama winning instead of McCain) that there was not going to be any money to pay her for the forseeable future. How it went down was a crappy deal, she works at as a therapist at a private practice and the doctor (owner) did not have the balls to talk to her, instead sending in the office manager at 4:55pm to give her a whole 5-mins notice.


Anyways, I am sure that she (we) are not the only ones affected, or about to be affected, by the presidential election outcome. Whether you like the ballot outcome or not (she does, I don't, how's that for love LOL) the fact that the Democrats have swept aside all the Republicans has paniced the economy. Yeah yeah I know unemployment has been on the rise this last 10-12 months but I think this is the straw that broke the camels back and I see a lot of folks going to have a very lean winter. My opinion.


Mr. P.

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Sorry to hear the bad news Steve. I've got a 1st cousin (like a brother to me) who could be losing his job come first of the year. I'm sure the new administration will have an effect on health insurance (my field) so I'm waiting to see how this will affect me. Hope all works out for you.

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We haven't been setback - yet. You just can't let a little thing like money get in the way :jester:


The GF is learning to cope; she's a hustler and already got a couple very good leads and I'm confident she'll be just fine, she's great at what she does and has never had a problem quickly building clientele.


Seriously I have no problem with the doc letting her go, I mean it is his business after all; the only thing I'm totally pissed about is that he did not have the respect to give at least one paycheck's notice so that she had time to find another job, not to mention discussing the matter with her face-to-face. Personally I am furious that he sends her home to me a bawling mess being dissed like that. Kharma here is that last week before he decided to drop her like a hot rock the guy asked me to fix his Exchange Server for him and at the moment it's half-done, I'll finish Monday but he's not going to like it when I tell him that work done from here on out is going to be billed at $175/hr.


Mr. P. :)

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Sorry to hear they news though i dont agree with your explination why...

Thanks - look at it this way, my GF is a massage therapist, and for 90% of customers that is a luxury service, it's not "life essential". Here in DFW almost everybody just saw their pensions, 401K, employer stock plans, etc crap the bed in the last 4 weeks, and Texans moreso than Californians (my observation) are very practical and have totally stopped buying luxuries (except Danny and his saltwater tank :jester: ) but tons of mall/retail staff are outta work, luxury services, etc and it's all because customers are staying home and holding on to what cash they have until they see what the economic situation is like next spring. Another indicator, 3 months ago there were over 40 massage therapist jobs on the internet, today there are ZERO (I looked with her today) so everyone is being let go.


Fact is, Obama wins the election and the very next morning the stock markets plunge for two days because people are very unsure what the next few months will be like, and they doubt the current Congress will help and even if it's possible for the next government to make a difference those folks can't even start until almost February and then the effects of those decisions/actions won't manifest themselves until next summer.


Unless you see something I don't?


I gotta feeling a few others here are unfortunately going to be added to this list; and I guess I'm not one to talk, I'm technically unemployed at the moment and I/T Architects are definitely a luxury too :uhoh:


Mr. P.

Edited by Mr. P. (see edit history)
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Thanks - look at it this way, my GF is a massage therapist, and for 90% of customers that is a luxury service, it's not "life essential". Here in DFW almost everybody just saw their pensions, 401K, employer stock plans, etc crap the bed in the last 4 weeks, and Texans moreso than Californians (my observation) are very practical and have totally stopped buying luxuries (except Danny and his saltwater tank :jester: ) but tons of mall/retail staff are outta work, luxury services, etc and it's all because customers are staying home and holding on to what cash they have until they see what the economic situation is like next spring. Another indicator, 3 months ago there were over 40 massage therapist jobs on the internet, today there are ZERO (I looked with her today) so everyone is being let go.


Fact is, Obama wins the election and the very next morning the stock markets plunge for two days because people are very unsure what the next few months will be like, and they doubt the current Congress will help and even if it's possible for the next government to make a difference those folks can't even start until almost February and then the effects of those decisions/actions won't manifest themselves until next summer.


Unless you see something I don't?


I gotta feeling a few others here are unfortunately going to be added to this list; and I guess I'm not one to talk, I'm technically unemployed at the moment and I/T Architects are definitely a luxury too :uhoh:


Mr. P.



I think i can remeber in Sept. when dow dropped 770 points is one day...let me guess that was the new president elects fault too...Things have been going down hill for a LONG time not since we have decided on a new president....imo i think the whole putting it on our new president elect is a stupid excuse...have u ever consided our current leader????

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