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Man Builds Lamborghini In His Cellar


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Man builds Lamborghini in his cellar... but needs digger to drive it out

By Daily Mail Reporter

Last updated at 8:49 AM on 05th November 2008


A man built a Lamborghini sports car in his cellar - but then needed a digger to drive it out.


Ken Imhoff fell in love with the Countach after seeing one in the movie Cannonball Run.


However, the car fanatic couldn't afford to buy one so instead he spent ten years building one in the basement of his home in Wisconsin, U.S.


After the completion of his masterpiece, Ken encountered a problem when he realised there was no garage door to drive the Lamborghini through.


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Car-azy: Ken Imhoff's hand-crafted Lamborghini then had to be dug out with an excavator


Therefore he decided to dig a ramp and hire an excavator to gouge out a slope in his garden and dig down into the foundations of the house to get the car out.


Ken said: 'I was like an expectant father watching it come through the wall. I was literally shaking. It was like an artist unwrapping his masterpiece.



'I knew at the moment the last blanket was removed I'd accomplished what I'd dreamed about so many years before.


'The neighbours started gathering around as it emerged, waiting for me to remove the blankets. I had never seen it in the light of day either.


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Rescue mission: Workmen clear the area beneath Ken Imhoff's home in Wisconsin ready to dig his supercar out


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Big job: A digger gouged out a slope in his garden, even removing a section of the property's foundations


'As the last blanket and car cover were removed I knew at that moment I had accomplished what I had dreamed about so many years ago and to see it sitting there in front of me was surreal.


'The whole process took two-and-a-half hours and there it was, my Lamborghini safely in the garage.


'The next day we filled the hole in the basement with new block in no time it was good as new.'









Enlarge article-1083186-025A9458000005DC-181_468x312.jpg Pride and joy: It took Ken ten long years to assemble his dream motor

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honestly, i dont believe it. Sorry for breaking your heart automaker, but it has no mud on it, nor does the mud show any tracks coming up from the whole. Sorry another faker. Now show me piks of it down there, then i might be as shriek said it, a believer. Sorry folks, im not sold.

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its true ... there is a HUGE story on it ... shows the process and progress ... 5 pages of information and pictures of him building and testing it in his basement ... old old story and has been posted many times.....



there is a short movie about it as well


***longer version with lots of pictures and more proof http://jalopnik.com/5069251/exclusive-i-am...in-the-basement

Edited by big o (see edit history)
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