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i love that truck (i wouldnt do it to mine) but i would drive it


but i dont get how some MEMBERS post there truck (look like sh*t) *sometimes NOT real Sss* and yall say good work and stuff like that but dont like this?


EDIT- like this POS




When you posted this, no one had said anything close to bad. They all said that they appreciated the work but it wasn't there thing. That give you no freaking right to call somone's truck a POS. You even went as far as trash talking his truck on his own thread!! NOT COOL! Like I said we all have are opinions, but there are nicer way's of putting it.





yall speak yall mind i speak mine


lost respect for me lol


dude idc you dont do/did nothing for me..you dont put no money in my pocket


i like the truck and i post it for yall to see..


i posted it for yall to say whats on yall mind (but if it was my truck yall would be saying goodd stuff about it RIGHT)


all im saying is dont fake, say what you have to say because yall never know if could be my truck :uhoh: ..


one thing about me is im alwayz going to be 100% with everything..



First of all LEARN HOW TO SPEAK ENGLISH!! When you are trying to make a point and you can not complete statement without sounding like an uneducated low life, no one will listen to what you have to say. My 10 year old nephew knows more about proper english then you. :rant:


Everyone speaks there mind when replying in these threads. The difference is that we respect people's work and respect the fact that they have different views for what they want out of a vehicle. I will agree that we will normally be slightly more "descriptive" if we know that it is not a members vehicle. We do not blow smoke up someone's a$$ if we do not like something. Most of the people on this sight will say they don't like whatever it may be, but they will do it in a respective manner. No one is being fake. We like what we like, we dislike what we dislike. We say what we have to say WITH RESPECT. For clarification, if you had said that this was your vehicle I do not feel that the comments would have changed at all.


I do not know you or the person whom you insulted. All I know is that what you said was not appropriate. If you do not like his truck then either say what you don't like in a respectful manner, or do not say anything at all. Many people told him that they did not like certain things that he did, but they respected the fact that he does like it and he obviously put alot of work into it. There are probably quite a few people that do not like the style vehicle you own, but if they were to call it a POS you would probably flip out on them.


The comment you made about people posting all these non SSS's is absolutley ridiculous. There are a ton of people on here that do not own a "true" SSS (including if I am not mistaken, some MODS). If they were all to be banned or whatever then this site would not be nearly what it is today.


If you want respect then you must first give it.


I could go on for hours about this, but I think I made my point. :rant:



Rob :chevy:

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lol im in the army also


and my mom retired after 30yrs soo i call it how i see it..


i kan kare less how u feel about me.. its not my truck i wouldnt do that to mine but i kan respect his time and money in it..


dood i have no issues with you. but if you are a soldier like you say you are you should have enough disaplen and respect instilled into you not to do that. remember your seven values that every soldier has to follow. i feel strongly that you plainly disrespected that guy by saying that about his truck.


i also call it how it is but i have enough maturaty to be polite and respect other ppl. guessing by your words and sayings you are a lower enlisted soldier. that is fine your choice but do the hard right not the easy wrong just say your sorry. it should be easy if you are a soldier.



o btw what unit are you with. if you dont mind me asking active/reserve/nation guard.


as far as your mom being in 30 years thats great i respect her for that. also if your mom served 30 years you grew up most of your life around the army and im sure your mom didnt teach you manners like this. grow up be the soldier you say you are. this is a touchy subject for me cause i am a senior nco august im going to warrant officer school so teaching and mentoring soldiers is what i do.


from all the pics you have showed in the past you are not a soldier. seems every pic i have seen of you, you have showed some kinda gang sign or something stupid like that.

Edited by McMahan (see edit history)
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from all the pics you have showed in the past you are not a soldier. seems every pic i have seen of you, you have showed some kinda gang sign or something stupid like that.



HAHAHA bro im just 18 which means all them pics are old














bro if you look at those pics i had my hair

i had to cut it for the army sooo yea if u wanna go off old pics ok lol think what u want bro.

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i love that truck (i wouldnt do it to mine) but i would drive it


but i dont get how some MEMBERS post there truck (look like sh*t) *sometimes NOT real Sss* and yall say good work and stuff like that but dont like this?


EDIT- like this POS




This comment is so uncalled for... #1 learn how to spell #2 i think you owe this guy an apology..

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yall speak yall mind i speak mine


lost respect for me lol


dude idc you dont do/did nothing for me..you dont put no money in my pocket


i like the truck and i post it for yall to see..


i posted it for yall to say whats on yall mind (but if it was my truck yall would be saying goodd stuff about it RIGHT)


all im saying is dont fake, say what you have to say because yall never know if could be my truck :uhoh: ..


one thing about me is im alwayz going to be 100% with everything..


huh? :dunno:

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That is totally uncalled for and unnecessary. It's crap like this that makes the forum look bad, and certainly will not make newer members feel welcome. There is a time and a place for everything, to blatently call someones truck a POS on a public forum is wrong. We are a community of enthusiasts who are here because of a common bond and interest. Baby :icon_bs: like this needs to stop.....you owe that member a public apology, plain and simple....




As the saying goes, "If you do not have anything nice or constructive to say, DON"T SAY ANYTHING AT ALL!"

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damn room calm down relax have a couple of beers



lol thats what im saying


but anywayz i been pm'ing a real cold dude




and he right maybe i was wrong for what i said.. i didnt think it would blow up to this.. well anywayz i wanna say sorry to the dude *really cant think of his name* but sorry dude


even tho i love this forum more than the IMPALASSFORUM, if im not welcome on this forum just let me know and yall wont see me again..


& if you wanna know something about me ask McMahan..

Edited by IMPALASS_RIDER (see edit history)
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...well anywayz i wanna say sorry to the dude *really cant think of his name* but sorry dude


you put a link up to his thread, it wouldn't be that hard to figure out. you went through more trouble to bash him, then to apologize.

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