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ok ok i know that i usually jump on shit like this and rant Butttt...... Seriously who cares guys the guy has a nice tbss he has a love for chevy and knows how to mod them. So he got hooked up by Josh and zane to be a mod here. Its not who you know its who you blow. You guys know as well as i do that they put this site on the back burner to gm-trucks. Basically let the guy do his assigned job. its apparent he just wants to cut up and get along. So as the resident ass hole of this site i say **** it and welcome tim. Ive always liked the 96 impala the only year with a floor shifter and black is always faster. The dark cherry metallic is alright though. At least u dont have the ugly green. Now how about you rip that slow ass pos lt motor and do a ls swap.

Edited by MIDNIGHTRIDR (see edit history)
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I haven't been around much in the last few months and I really don't feel like going too deep on this because, seriously, WTF??? I know certain members on here have had a problem with the selection process in the past (and obviously, the present), and they have every right. I can't blame them. By the way, welcome Tim.


However, this has been a very tight-nit based crowd on here that doesn't need "the police" as is was put. We do have a mod who is a police officer and he (in my opinion) is highly tolerable of alot that goes on here because it isn't real life. It isn't, but yet, it is in a way.


We all have a passion. Whether it is for the vehicle, the performance, or for the culture that the SSS, or any other vehicle worthy of a following brings. We all found this site for one reason, to find others that share our passion and want to learn from others, how to get the most from our vehicle.


I do feel (AND I KNOW I AM GUILTY OF THIS), there is alot of unnecessary BS on here. Do I feel that it warrants an outsider? No. But at the same time, the culture has changed alot and maybe Zane and Josh felt that the site needs it too.


I don't know. Like I said, I haven't been on much in the last few months and maybe I don't contribute enough (especially on the technical level - cuz I'm a phone guy and not a car guy -----but I'm learning). All I know is this is a great group with a great LOOSE sense of humor that can not change. I have learned alot here and I hope alot of others have as well. I have also met alot of people that I am proud to call friends from various states and I hope to broaden that.


This site still rocks, but it has changed and not for the better in some instances. I know for one that I am a second gen owner so from the early days till when I came in there was a change and not for the better in some eyes. Now there are 3rd and 4th gen owners that are also changing the climate. I don't mean that it it a bad thing in any way, but sometimes the atmosphere of a forum gets lost as the torch gets passed.


I'm just saying. Flame on if you feel necessary..... I'm not sucking up to anyone cuz I really don't care about feelings here. Like I said, things have changed here and not for the better but WE as a WHOLE (mods included) police each other. Some guys get carried away, but that's not characteristic of the individual. Just the moment.


(one last thing. I encapcilated the word loose because that's what it is here. loose. the humor here is great and so is the ribbing. sometimes you need thick skin, but that is all part of the fun. if you work with a close knit group of guys or have a few brothers, you know what i mean. i think there is a fear that an "outsider" is going to change everything and this place doesn't need change. but maybe Josh and Zane think so. and they are the be all end all....)


Just my 2 cents....

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Now how about you rip that slow ass pos lt motor and do a ls swap.



When I totalled my CSS, I had every intention of swapping the LS1 and T56 into the car. Upon further research I found that it was going to require more fabrication that I am capable of myself and more than my wallet can afford to have done. So I ended up selling the LS1 and T56 on LS1tech... Man it would have been a fun car though. Probably not much faster than the current setup though.


And thanks for the kind words guys. :cheers:

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However, this has been a very tight-nit based crowd on here that doesn't need "the police" as is was put. We do have a mod who is a police officer and he (in my opinion) is highly tolerable of alot that goes on here because it isn't real life. It isn't, but yet, it is in a way.



well keith you have been one of the few not to be the object of a BS mod move.....One example...As well documented most know I was in the shout box a few months ago with friends..all that was activily chatting when I showed up was danny, me, Jason, and Bob..we were all ribbing each other calling each other names etc wwe are all friends and we were having fun... I told an off color joke..yeah it was in poor taste I was under the impression it was just us 4 and I "offeneded" another member with it...I made no more rascist comments of any sort...But yet i was treated as a rascist by a few on this site and one mod in particular proceeded to call me,danny,jason children and this "tolerable" mod made an attempt to have me band for a month becuase of it..this info was told to me by another mod..and was told the reasoning was I repeatably made rascist comments after i was told to stop...But all had access to that shoutbox conversation and there was nothing of the sort and when i called the mod or even Josh out on it I got no response..just accusations.


remember I have never even recieved a warning and I was very closed to a month ban and luckily the other mods were reasonable in there descicion and didnt let that BS go down....


I have always tried to contribute to this site..for I owe this site alot for all the friends it has made me BUT being treated like that was just not right and my contributions to the site have diminished because of it...


I apologize for not realizing moderators have NEVER told and off color joke..have NEVER made a rascist comment, slander,fart in a car with passengers, or even use profanity.


yes it has been a few months and I'm am trying to get past this but I am kind of like a woman in that I never forget...I may not mention it (until now..lol) but I wont forget.


I have even resorted to putting certain members on my "ignore" list so I can't see there posts or shouts that could cause me to rant and get booted again.

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well keith you have been one of the few not to be the object of a BS mod move.....One example...As well documented most know I was in the shout box a few months ago with friends..all that was activily chatting when I showed up was danny, me, Jason, and Bob..we were all ribbing each other calling each other names etc wwe are all friends and we were having fun... I told an off color joke..yeah it was in poor taste I was under the impression it was just us 4 and I "offeneded" another member with it...I made no more rascist comments of any sort...But yet i was treated as a rascist by a few on this site and one mod in particular proceeded to call me,danny,jason children and this "tolerable" mod made an attempt to have me band for a month becuase of it..this info was told to me by another mod..and was told the reasoning was I repeatably made rascist comments after i was told to stop...But all had access to that shoutbox conversation and there was nothing of the sort and when i called the mod or even Josh out on it I got no response..just accusations.


remember I have never even recieved a warning and I was very closed to a month ban and luckily the other mods were reasonable in there descicion and didnt let that BS go down....


I have always tried to contribute to this site..for I owe this site alot for all the friends it has made me BUT being treated like that was just not right and my contributions to the site have diminished because of it...


I apologize for not realizing moderators have NEVER told and off color joke..have NEVER made a rascist comment, slander,fart in a car with passengers, or even use profanity.


yes it has been a few months and I'm am trying to get past this but I am kind of like a woman in that I never forget...I may not mention it (until now..lol) but I wont forget.


I have even resorted to putting certain members on my "ignore" list so I can't see there posts or shouts that could cause me to rant and get booted again.

yeah brad we took our bs punishment and i still think the whole situation was blown out of proportion and STUPID. I also think that some people should MIND THEIR OWN BUSINESS buttttttttttt... its over with. just consider the source and laugh and then move on. btw im glad u showed me how to do that ignore thing lol

Edited by MIDNIGHTRIDR (see edit history)
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yeah brad we took our bs punishment and i still think the whole situation was blown out of proportion and STUPID. I also think that some people should MIND THEIR OWN BUSINESS buttttttttttt... its over with. just consider the source and laugh and then move on. btw im glad u showed me how to do that ignore thing lol



I need therapy because of it..lol


Jason my problem is this all happened amongst poeple i considered friends on the site..but yet I tell one joke and my "friends" go out of their way to throw me under a bus and that really bothered me more than anything else..


I understand..I messed up..ONCE...and was treated like a repeat offender..Not banned from the shoutbox where the offense occured but banned from the whole site for a week...


Mods have a job to do..I get that and respect that...but some abuse the power just because they don't like someone or find them "annoying"...while other memebrs can make comments about sex, calling poeple rednecks(which truly offends me because i maybe alot of things but a redkneck i am not), etc... and it goes completely ignored...

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just when i think we've all moved on...again...


there are always at least two sides to the story.


:rolleyes: yes this is true but you have to be involved in the story to have a side of the story. :P

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just when i think we've all moved on...again...


there are always at least two sides to the story.



Alan I have no issues with you whats so ever...there are not 2 sides to my story..I know what was said and what mods said I said and it didnt add up and when i asked to see proof they couldnt provide it..thats all.

Edited by brobradh77 (see edit history)
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Alan I have no issues with you whats so ever...there are not 2 sides to my story..I know what was said and what mods said I said and it didnt add up and when i asked to see proof they couldnt provide it..thats all.



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Ive always liked the 96 impala the only year with a floor shifter and black is always faster. The dark cherry metallic is alright though. At least u dont have the ugly green. Now how about you rip that slow ass pos lt motor and do a ls swap.


WOOOOO bro the DCM is the fasstest color if you wanna be real


and that ugly green on (DGGM) is the rarest one..

o and i own 2 dggm and one DCM. and i have a 96 but favortie in the 95's :D .


ok back to the thread :pimp:

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why would tbss and silveradoss.com merge, what would be the benefits?? if i owned a tbss, then i'd be over over at the other website, but i didn't sign up, and i don't pay money to support tbss.com. i love this sight, although some things i don't like, like a mod with 100 posts, regradless of how long he's been a member (no offense to the new mod, jmho) if they merge, maybe we ought to start another ss site? hopefully nothing changes, although as my wife tells me, i hate change. just my .02. :cheers:

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