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Help With My Camera

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i have a new Canon Powershot SD1100IS every picture i take comes out grainy is how i would put it. not sharp at all! i cant get any nice pics of my truck. i know people in the past that had this camera and they had awesome photos. i have looked through the manual and cant figure out why. any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks again rob.


example below:

Edited by slammedbowtie (see edit history)
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I'm not seeing much. :dunno: A touch fuzzy but not bad for that camera. Try setting the camera on a solid surface since you have no way to use a tri-pod with that camera. Even with image stabilization you can get blurring if your a little heavy-handed with the shutter button. Tripping the shutter should be like firing a rifle, you should almost be surprised when it goes off. Slow even pressure and a steady stance help a lot.


Only other thing I can think of is the camera not focusing precisely. Sometimes autofocus cameras have a hard time with shiny surfaces or low contrast. That camera is center weighted focusing system, meaning it usually focuses on what's in the middle of the frame. Try pointing it at an area with a reflection, push the shutter button lightly part way, recompose without letting the pressure off the button and follow through with pushing the button. Could help. Good luck.

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Just thought of another possibility. Make sure you're using a Class 4 or better HD SD Card. Sd cards are like the cameras "film" and some are better (sharper) than others because they can capture more pixels quicker.


Nikon/Canon== no noticeable difference. I shoot only Nikon myself but there is more difference camera to camera than brand to brand. Both make so-so cameras and extremely good cameras. In the point & shoot type of cameras take a look at the higher end Panasonics. They have Leica lenses which are some of the best lenses ever made. JMHO

Edited by BOB47 (see edit history)
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Your settings were:


f 2.8

125 ISO


If that helps anyone troubleshoot




Leica lenses which are some of the best lenses ever made. JMHO


Is my opinion as well....good stuff.

Edited by big o (see edit history)
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I would recomend using a tripod. When I first read the topic name I was guessing ISO was high but its very low which wouldnt have any noise at all. My guess would just a little bit of movement with the shutter speed being at 1/125. I also would have thought the background would have been out of focus with the Fstop at 2.8.


Try the tripod and let use know how it works. Also another tip for a sharper photo is to set the timer while u have it on the tripod so it gaurentees no movement.

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i see it rob, don't feel bad. is there a sharpness adjustment? if there is, turn it down a little bit. that is what it looks like to me.




well crap, i just tried to adjust the sharpness of your picture, but as soon as i clicked on the picture to save it, it smoothed out. maybe there isn't anything wrong with the camera at all.

Edited by WODY™ (see edit history)
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Just thought of another possibility. Make sure you're using a Class 4 or better HD SD Card. Sd cards are like the cameras "film" and some are better (sharper) than others because they can capture more pixels quicker.

Bits are bits, either they write correctly or they write corrupted. And a corrupted write would show as garbage, not loss of sharpness. Better cards do affect how fast the picture can be saved to the card, and as a result, affect the pace of rapid fire shots.

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