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Advice , Class A Driver's


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Today at work a situation came up where we needed a class A driver. i may be given an ultimatum. they may require me to get a class A license. which i wouldn't mind but i don't think they will offer me the additional pay i deem is worth my while to obtain a class A. I know for sure in CA with a class A a D.U.I. is a Blood alcohol content of .04% or greater . This would mean one drink and I'm on edge. I'm not a big drinker by any means but i enjoy a beer or two while at a nice dinner or a sports outing. I'm pretty sure it also states the driving infraction fines double . You have only 2 points you can loose before you loose your license instead of 4 . You are never eligible for traffic school. As well as a few more minor issues that i disagree with . My work will provide a class A vehicle for my Test but will not pay for the Truck driving school . They expect me to get the class A handbook and study it with my own time and will and pretty much make it happen on my own . I'm willing to bet they will give me a 1 dollar raise maybe two tops. To me thats not even worth consideration . Id have to say at minimum 4-5 an hour would be adequate on top of what my current pay is but even then I'm not sure i want to give up all my class C privileges. I'm just hoping they don't try and fire me for not wanting to get this .

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i have a class a cdl with hazmat in the state of Tennessee from exsperience with local law enforcment as long as your not doing anything to wild and crazy to get pulled over they will let you go with a warning thats what has allways happened to me the police know how hard it is to obtain a cdl and all the restrictions and rules to keep it so they have cut me breaks.



i agree with you your job should give you a big pay raise cause cdl training and licensing is not cheap or they should pay for it them self


G/L chase





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it would be nice if they would pay for your school bro. i have a class b license here n vegas at the age of 23yrs old n it seems pretty hard for me not to get any traffic tickets.so far i had 2 which 1 got droppd to a parkn ticket n other was considered as a warning. well if they do make you get it hope a 5-7 dollar raise comes allong with that bcus it is a pain in d a** to get and to keep after all this traffic laws. good luck!!

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Chase, I don't know how different everything is in Cali from Florida, but it is only 5 bucks per section to take the written tests which are super easy. There are three sections: general knowledge, air brakes, and trailer for the class A. I had to do the same as you for "work purposes", but I drove a rig everyday being a diesel mechanic, so I had to. The law is strict with class A and B but it has saved me from getting more tickets having that license knowing fines are like doubled. You don't have to take the truck driving school though. It isn't mandatory. If you know how to drive stick, drive a Peterbilt or Freightliner etc..., and drive around with a trailer, you are fine. You take and pass the written exam and get a 90 day waiver to drive, like a temp class A. Within that period, find someone that will let you use their rig for the driving test or you can "rent" one where you take the test but it's around 500 bucks if your job wants to pay for that. Where the test is the hardest is the pre-trip inspection. They will get you for the smallest little detail. PM me if you need any other help or advice if you want.



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I got my CDL A with air brakes and combos without ever taking a class. A buddy of mine took me out in his truck and taught me to drive in a day. After that I worked on backing up for about a week(on the job)with himin the truck and took the test. If you don't have to do trailers it's even easier.


I have gotten out of more tickets since I got my CDL. The cops have pulled me over and seen my license. They'll check my record and give me a warning instead of a ticket. They have also givin me a signature bond instead of taking my license when they did ticket me.

As far as the dui, if the diff between .04 and .08 is 1 drink, chances are you're over the limit anyway when you leave the restaurant after 2 drinks. If the cop is gonna be that strict, you have a problem either way. Just be more careful and have someone else drive if you're not sure.


In this economy it's always better to have extra credentials on you resume. Take the chance while you have it to use their truck and get it. I don't use my CDL anymore, but I know I could go get a job in a heartbeat as a driver.

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I got my CDL A with air brakes and combos without ever taking a class. A buddy of mine took me out in his truck and taught me to drive in a day. After that I worked on backing up for about a week(on the job)with himin the truck and took the test. If you don't have to do trailers it's even easier.


I have gotten out of more tickets since I got my CDL. The cops have pulled me over and seen my license. They'll check my record and give me a warning instead of a ticket. They have also givin me a signature bond instead of taking my license when they did ticket me.

As far as the dui, if the diff between .04 and .08 is 1 drink, chances are you're over the limit anyway when you leave the restaurant after 2 drinks. If the cop is gonna be that strict, you have a problem either way. Just be more careful and have someone else drive if you're not sure.


In this economy it's always better to have extra credentials on you resume. Take the chance while you have it to use their truck and get it. I don't use my CDL anymore, but I know I could go get a job in a heartbeat as a driver.


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i dont think its worth it for just a dollar raise, or even a $4-5 raise. i mean u urself are questioning weather or not a $4-5 raise would be worth it and not for nothing $4-5 dollars is a pretty nice raise. i dont think its worth it honestly, and i dont think they can legally fire you for not wanting to do something like this specially if u have to pay for it all. if this were to happen they would probably say they will pay for all the cost and if u refuse it then they would have a reason to fire and have no legal repercussion.




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i have a CA CDL.B and i was looking into getting my class A. most of the schools run about $2500+.

besides the class room time which you really need because it will cover all the laws you need to know, log books crossing scales fines, penalties, JAIL TIME. the other part is your stick time. so if you get your permit, and know someone with a truck who would be willing to teach you, then i would not take the class.

BTW..after you get your permit, YOU NEED TO HAVE A CLASS A DRIVER WITH YOU when ever you are driving a Class A truck...

now here's the kicker.. :smash: if you have to drive just the TRACTOR, and the gross vehicle weight is under 26,000 lbs. than you can drive it with just a class C license


good luck



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Don't let them scare you. It's not that hard. Once you get it, you don't have to retake the driving part unless you have a bunch of violations. Here in IL you only have to retake the written if you're picked in a "lottery". The last time I renewed I had to take an eye test. Big F'n deal.

No they can't fire you, but they can find a reason to no longer "need" you.

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I have had my Class A CDL for almost 20 years now. I do not agree with your employer not paying you to get them and paying for the tests also. I would not go for that at all. As far as getting 4-5 bucks more an hour that is fantasy. You will never get that much. If they would be willing to pay you to go to school to get them and pay for all schools and tests i would go for it. You can never have too much expereince this day and time. Who knows one day you may be forced to make a living driving. Its always good to have something to fall back on. I do not drive these days but i will keep my CDL for as long as they will let me. The test isnt that hard nor is the driving. Over the years we have hired (and fired) alot of class A drivers that paid top dollar for these so called driving schools and not one of them that i have ever had any dealings with actually knew how to drive after they graduated. When someone walked through our doors wanting a driving job holding their certificate with a big grin on their faces i would politely tell them you may as well throw that in the trash. They give them out too easily. Some of the best drivers never went to any school. Get them to pay for it first. Then get your learners and find someone to drive with. That is the best way to learn. Just my two pennies worth!

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thanks for the adivce guys , one thing is once i get the permit we have a few pete's and frieght's i can learn to drive in . as well as trailers. i already have a bit of experience driving something big though as i drive our 40 foot motorhome with a 30 ft toy hauler on it. ( i know legnth is questionable) but imo its really not to hard just have to pay attention . i do not have the experience driving a stick though . just my car ( 6 speed camaro) i have driven a couple of them through the first few gears in our company yards to test after i have done repairs on air brakes and such . i do know my way around the trucks well as far as air brakes and most of the pre trip crap .


im hoping to sit down with the big wigs and offer to pay for schooling my self and get it on my own for an additional 5 an hour. this way i will make more in the big end. ill post what happens here hopefully soon. i was kind of bummed but for an oppurtunity to make 5 more an hour would be really good and help me get more stuff that i want.

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thanks for the adivce guys , one thing is once i get the permit we have a few pete's and frieght's i can learn to drive in . as well as trailers. i already have a bit of experience driving something big though as i drive our 40 foot motorhome with a 30 ft toy hauler on it. ( i know legnth is questionable) but imo its really not to hard just have to pay attention . i do not have the experience driving a stick though . just my car ( 6 speed camaro) i have driven a couple of them through the first few gears in our company yards to test after i have done repairs on air brakes and such . i do know my way around the trucks well as far as air brakes and most of the pre trip crap .


im hoping to sit down with the big wigs and offer to pay for schooling my self and get it on my own for an additional 5 an hour. this way i will make more in the big end. ill post what happens here hopefully soon. i was kind of bummed but for an oppurtunity to make 5 more an hour would be really good and help me get more stuff that i want.


its about 1500 bucks for the school. out here, the dude who teaches, also has the ability to sign off on the pre-trip, skills, and drive test. so it a given license. if you can get them to pay for it then go for it, if not then it all depends on how desperate you are. give me a call if you got any questions about anything.

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