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Wanted To Share My Misery, Hope You Get A Laugh


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So, regular day. Got off work and called my buddy up to go hit the gym as normal. We just got back from deployment so im still getting used to the gym again. Do a nice hour long leg session, head back to the barracks, meet up with some other guys decide to go catch the new 2012 movie. I offer to drive, my sexy SS of course, so the four of us pile in and head off base to the local movie theater. Someone toss up the idea of getting food so we stop by the taco bell on the way. Instead of going through the drive thru i make everyone go inside because i dont like people eating in my truck. Here's where it gets bad. As were eating it starts POURING outside. When we all get done they look at me and say "Go pull your truck around so we all dont get soaked", which i didnt mind since no one else ever drives my truck. Go to the glass door hit the unlock button,guage the distance..about 50 meters...open the door at a dead sprint and immediatly FALL FLAT ON MY FACE as my leg that I led with didn't cramp but just gave the hell out. So I try the bounce thing where you kinda catch yourself with your other leg and only go halfway down, and that one goes out also..... So here I am, on my face, in a parking lot during a horrible storm and I can't hear the rain anymore due to the thundering luaghter coming from inside the taco bell as my "buddies" proceed to loose their minds and attract more attention to my plight. So i get up, barely, and limp my happy butt to my truck soaked and go pick them up at the door. Thought Id share for everyones amusment.


-Derick D

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Reminds me of a story...


My dad called me one morning and offered to take my kids to daycare for me so I got them all dressed and my dad came in and got my little boy. I grabbed my little girl and headed out the door and just then dad turns around and says "Watch the steps, they're iced over." Just them my little girl bucks back on me and shoots both feet out from under me and I do down all 4 steps right on the end of the step *thump thump thump thump* and slam ribs first into the end of my railing and somehow don't fall down. My dad runs over and grabs her and notices my shirt is ripped open when I turn around. Somehow I survived with no broken ribs but I don't really know how as there was massive bleeding under the skin in a large area. Everyone wanted me to go to the ER but it really wasn't hurting that bad.

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the tacobell/long john silvers place? if so i know what you're talkin' about that place is slick as hell when coming out of it especially when it rains... reminds me of coming out of it once before i deployed... went and sprinted for my wifes Turbo PT Cruiser and she said something and i went to stop... mistake... i ended up cracking my head on the road since my feet came out from under me and got 3 stitches in the back of my head my wife damn near has to sit down to stop laughing... now i know you're all wondering what was SOOOO important she had to yell at me to stop...



I forgot my drink on the table... but did i forget? nooooo, i left there so as the people that work there have job security and could throw it away eventually .. FML

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