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Things That Just Annoy Me About Small Towns

USMC Silverado

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I'm a Marine, i have respect for the law, i try to mind my manners and do what's right but today i decided to be the nice caring step son and goto the store for my step mom to pick up some sutff for her for the thanksgiving dinner...no problem right? wrong... first off i pull into the kroger parking lot and maybe it's just because i wasn't in the greatest mood for being the grocery getting in my SSS but i get parked and i hear someone say "nice ride, should of gotten something fast if you want the SS badge though" i bite my tounge and walk away. my buddy is in krogers so we sit there bullshit for a bit and i get what i need and walk out, he comes with me to see the truck and he's just in awe of it (which i love) and he shows me his Honda prelude.. which being rice it's a sleeper no doubt, it has a helluva turbo on it nitrous, engine swap and more money dumped into it than i'd put into anything honda...


WELL, i have to goto another store (the bread store because it's cheaper) and he pulls up beside me and we **** around and we take off at green and i pull him instantly but then we hit the speed limit and slow down. all of a sudden it's like fast and the furious happens 3 honda civics roll up with their multi color body kits, primer hoods and wings and a fresh (yet shitty) sand job on their bondo... all i hear if fart cannons so i just give it a little and take off from them. i get to the store they park across the street. i leave, the pull up on either side of me and are serious as can be when they say "thing sounds good for a V6 :wtf::confused: " i don't know what to think i roll my eyes and continue on my way... last stop light before the run up the mtn the most primered one out of all of them running a straight pipe gets beside me revs his engine and light turns green and takes off... me? nope not doing it because there's a Charger cop 3 cars back. ... I GET PULLED OVER


Hell insues, i give my license, registration, and i'm asked to step out of the truck.. he gets mad at me because...1. tinted tail lights, 2. tinted bumper lights, 3. window tint is too dark, 4. he could hear my stereo (it was off), and the best one 5. engaging in a street race.. I didn't even attempt to race yet i get yelled at, he takes my license and my military id falls out and he changed his tone real fast, because he was all suspicious about how i'm 24 and have such a nice vehical was i a drug dealer bullshit... he gives me my stuff back tells me i'm good to go. as i get in ym truck he told me "now try not to be a marine while you're in my town and stay out of trouble" WTF was that... seriously? had to rant on this pissed me off to where i could see straight i wanted to rock the mother Fer so bad i just drove off and went home but i love how I started the race when all i did was take off like a normal human being.. yet he's got black smoke rolling out his honda with the tires squawling.. FREAKING COPS man, have nothing better to do in small towns... sorry for the rant but i'm just pissed :mad:

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I hear ya man, $hit happens to me all the time. Specially when i had my trans am, if they didnt pull me over they would give me a go to hell stare running the speed limit, pass the same ones in my truck going 10-15 over and they would wave at me like i was their long lost buddy. :confused:

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I feel you on this one brother. Back when I was in my MOS school I went home on xmas leave to oklahoma. On Xmas day Im riding in my old 95 F150 with my sister and MY 3 MONTH OLD NEPHEW. I had just gotten off the highway and most streets are 40mph in ok so i was doing about 6ish over, so 46, and my sis says "Hey its not 40 here its 35" and I get pulled over. I pull over and the POPO walks up and Start doin the "do you know why i pulled you over son?" thing. I Give him my license, Reg, and Mil Id. HE immediatly hand back my Id and days O I dont need this. I explain how im home on leave wasn't familiar with the area ad that there is no way I could have been going that fast anyway because I have my BABY NEPHEW WITH ME. so he goes runs my license and i notice some blonde is in the squad car with him....I dont know if he was trying to look like a hard as for her but he gave me a ticket anyway. ON XMAS DAY, TO A MARINE, could you honestly try to be more of a #@$%R%^%T^&$#%@#@#$@!##$*^%^%&*&$^@$%@$$%*^&(%^((*^&*^%&$!#@!!!%#$Q#$%!!! Im not reallyt lookin for any favors because Im in the military but come on thats just plain mean right there. F SMALL TOWNS

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... ON XMAS DAY...

Yeah holidays are the worst, every officer wants to be home with their families and the officers lowest on the seniority chain get the sh!t duty. When you get stopped on a holiday the deck is already stacked against you 50% even before they have approached your door.


Mr. P.

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military ID "fell out" huh? :jester: Mine has a habit of doing that as well.


You gotta admit marines do get a bad rep, but that's still messed up, dont think I would've been able to bite my tongue on that one. Cops working on holidays, I dont have any sympathy for em, at least after their shift they can still go home to their families. And I'll give em the same speech all the military gets, "you signed the dotted line"

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Yeah My ID always ends up fallling out when it comes to cops or a bar... even though i'm 24, BUT, yeah, cops are douche bags (those kinds anyways) but i had to bite my tounge because if i didn't then it'd of been my ass call my SSgt saying "Guess what i did!" never a fun converstion

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Small town cops are sum. I live in a small town and all the cops here are dicks, including the female cops. I got charged with reckless driving and lost my drivers license because I chirped my tires in front of my own house and the cop saw me. The first words out of the cops mouth was "how much have you had to drink today"? My exact words were "I DONT DRINK"!!! The cop didn't seem to believe me and asked me again how much have I had to drink, which I replied back again saying the same thing. Just because all my neighbors are drunk asses does not mean I am too.


Well to make a long story short, I had to take it to the county court house in front of a judge with a lawyer and everything was dropped, even the DA found the charges on me to be total BS and my name and record was cleared.


There are nice cops out there, but there is also a lot of a$$ holes who think they are god and can stomp all over your face and get away with it.

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