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I'm unsure what to think about whats going on with Leno and Conan..NBC dropped the ball on how they handled this from the get go IMO...Leno changed his mind and did not want to retire but they forced him out while he was on top. They did this because Conan was supposed to take over then and they did not want to lose him.


I think the biggest mistake was giving Jay his own show...Now it looks as if Jay will get the Tonight show back because conan will jump ship (as he should)...


I really feel like its a dick move on Leno and NBC's part...


Whats your opinions?

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Seriously, I never understood why Leno left in the first place.


I personally don't care for Conan's humor, but to each their own. I just hope Conan gets a nice settlement for Breach of Contract. Then jumps ship to another network.




Posted from my Droid ...

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i think your right brad , but nbc deserves everything they get up the a$$ because they tried to fix something that wasnt broke in the first place. they f'ed everything up with the new leno show they should of made it more of a out on the streets interacting with people type show then another talk show , imo. if i was connan i would take them for eveything he can.

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NBC never imagined that Leno was going to be as successful as he was when they made the deal with Conan. They also figured that Leno (even he thought as well) would want to retire at that point. But things change. They should have told Conan that as long as Leno is in and doing well, he's the man. When he starts to slip or wants out, then you get the nod, but not until. NBC's biggest mistake was putting a guarantee or dead line on everything. It's like an NFL team having 2 star quarterbacks, it doesnt work well for long. You pick someone, stand behind them, and trade the other guy out unless he's content with being benched. Leno is hands the better comedian than Conan and appeals to more people. It's not that Conan isn't good, he is in his own right (I dont like his style either), his late late show ratings showed people liked him, but those are not always the same people that watch the Tonight Show. Leno also took his band with him too, that hurt. NBC was also banking that the public would come around and warm up to Conan and soon forget about Leno like they did for Leno when he took over from Johnny. I remember when Leno took over, not many people were happy about it, swore they would never watch again, but they did, and Leno turned out ok. But I think the landscape has changed a little bit and with advertising revenue shrinking, they needed a turn around faster. Conan and the Tonight Show ratings tanked when he took over, thats the long and short of it. I dont know what he is whinning about. He's out, Leno is in. Tonight Show will be back up in ratings, and NBC will have to sort out the mess.

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From my memory (which could be wrong) leno announced his retirement before they announced a successor...The jay had a change of heart but NBC would have lost Conan to another network so they forced him out....IMO a bad move since he was on top but NBC made their bed and should have to lay in it...I honestly would be surprised is this does not hurt Jay's ratings when he takes back over.

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both good shows. It's not Jays fault, NBC messed up. They have to move Jay because his show isn't doing well in it's time slot so affiliates(sp?) are pretty mad. Jay's show will be back up in ratings when it's back in his old time slot and Conan will go to another network as he should. NBc really screwed him so they should pay out the @ss. I like conan jokes better than Jay. I've never really liked him that much.

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The rumer is that Connan is going to Fox and there going to give him his own show which makes sense. I just hope he gets a pig pay out from NBC



I heard that as well, Conan to Fox. I am up past 4am everynite so I have a chance to see all the shows and can only stand the scottish dude (Im an idiot cant remember his name). I like Letterman's top 10 list which I catch, then its onto South Park.

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