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What's Going On With The Site?


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I personally think its no big deal..everyone on here has been guilty of carrying on about something stupid for the sake of an arguement...its human nature.


You have no idea what you are talking about :jester:. can we go back to having fun now?

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I personally think its no big deal..everyone on here has been guilty of carrying on about something stupid for the sake of an arguement...its human nature.



"CANT WE ALL JUST GET ALONG" Rodney King :jester:

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I too love this site. I have had help on quite a few things here. I know what you mean by all the name calling. I think you hit the nail on the head. Some folks know alot more than others and thats why I am here. One one site I was nade fun for buying sylvannia bulbs . I dont care if they burn out every year . I like the look. Thats why they make Chevy trucks and the other brands.

I wish not to affend anyone just make friends a learn.

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I don't really spend that much time lurking around here anymore like I use to in the past. Anymore, there is to many newer and older members acting like 2yr olds and resorting to name calling, and bashing others over nothing. I've noticed the decline in some peoples attitudes since last summer. Not sure I see how a bad economy would have something to do with someones manners, but who knows.


Whenever I do read a topic and I see that it's starting to go south, I just hit the back arrow button and move on or I just close my SSS tab. That's one of the beauties of the internet.


On a brighter subject, January is almost over and spring time will be here in a couple months. This is what I have to say to old man winter :fart: YAY summer!!!

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i like making smart ass remarks that are funny . to me without laughter people are boring . if it pissed you off then good i have succeeded to make at least me laugh . i just dont get why people take remarks to the but . its just a bunch of guys on the internet . we are all dorks in some way , it is what it is.


ive been visiting quickstreettrucks.com lately its a bit different but the admin definatly knows how to use vbulletin . i suggest some of you ( most have ) to check it out and see what you think .


for now everyone eat a xanax , jerkoff , do what you gotta to chill out .

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i have to agree. it has been kinda moody around here as of late. i dont post to much just sit back and get tons of info. im probably on here 2 to 3 times a day and i only post on clean topics tryin to avoid conflict. but for the mot part people around here are very kind.

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i like making smart ass remarks that are funny . to me without laughter people are boring . if it pissed you off then good i have succeeded to make at least me laugh . i just dont get why people take remarks to the but . its just a bunch of guys on the internet . we are all dorks in some way , it is what it is.


ive been visiting quickstreettrucks.com lately its a bit different but the admin definatly knows how to use vbulletin . i suggest some of you ( most have ) to check it out and see what you think .


for now everyone eat a xanax , jerkoff , do what you gotta to chill out .


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