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Bye Bye Sun Roof

USMC Silverado

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So, I let my friend borrow my truck because she lets me borrow her car so on and so forth WELL, she was going on leave yesterday and i was to take her to the airport i'm sitting at the house waiting for her to show up and she pulls up in the truck gets out and just looks lost tells me we need to talk and i need to sit down, immdiately i think she's in trouble and she says "i'm not...yet" i asked who was mad at her and she said "you in a second" i immdiately start walking to the truck and she starts BAWLING she proceeds to tell me that during our HELLISH wind storm yesterday she was going down the highway at highway speed and she heard a huming noise and before she could even look to see what it was there was a BAM! and the sunroof was gone, flipping through the air towards the car behind her... thank god it missed them, it hit the highway and shattered... took the cover from the inside of the truck with it too BLAH! **** i'm pissed off about this...at least everyone was ok though, no one got hurt except my truck and it's going to be 500 bucks to replace it...and that's just the deductable. happy freaking wednesday to me.

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So, I let my friend borrow my truck because she lets me borrow her car so on and so forth WELL, she was going on leave yesterday and i was to take her to the airport i'm sitting at the house waiting for her to show up and she pulls up in the truck gets out and just looks lost tells me we need to talk and i need to sit down, immdiately i think she's in trouble and she says "i'm not...yet" i asked who was mad at her and she said "you in a second" i immdiately start walking to the truck and she starts BAWLING she proceeds to tell me that during our HELLISH wind storm yesterday she was going down the highway at highway speed and she heard a huming noise and before she could even look to see what it was there was a BAM! and the sunroof was gone, flipping through the air towards the car behind her... thank god it missed them, it hit the highway and shattered... took the cover from the inside of the truck with it too BLAH! **** i'm pissed off about this...at least everyone was ok though, no one got hurt except my truck and it's going to be 500 bucks to replace it...and that's just the deductable. happy freaking wednesday to me.


damn man, well at least it didnt hurt anyone, then she really would have felt like crap.


but we all know, shit happens.

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wow, that's crazy. sorry to hear it happen. I would make her pay for it. IMO if you damage something you're using, it's up to you to pay for the fix. If I damaged a friends vehicle while I was borrowing it I would pay to have it fixed. How and why did the sun roof fly off? I've never heard of that happening so I wonder if the installer is to blame. Hope you get it fixed soon. :cheers:

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Never heard of a sunroof flying off either. Actually seen a couple times T-Tops fly off an F-body before......guy had way more torque for not having any chassis mods done and it twisted on launch and off she came! haha it was wild

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wow, that's crazy. sorry to hear it happen. I would make her pay for it. IMO if you damage something you're using, it's up to you to pay for the fix. If I damaged a friends vehicle while I was borrowing it I would pay to have it fixed. How and why did the sun roof fly off? I've never heard of that happening so I wonder if the installer is to blame. Hope you get it fixed soon. :cheers:


:confused: I wouldn't make her pay for it. It would be something different if she wrecked the truck or was hotrodding and something broke. But a glass top flying off? That's not through any fault of hers.

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Yeah it was crazy i've seen it happen before i've seen some crazy things being in a marine town when people do half ass work. but yeah the sunroof was a factory option and as far as i know it's never been replaced but hey what do i know i mean i didn't get a work sheet on it.


Im glad she was completely honest with me because she knows the things i've said i'd do to people if they ever hurt my truck she was petrified to tell me she told me she was afraid that i would hurt her and our friendship was over, i just gave her a hug and told her it was going to be all ok, and i'm paying for it because in no way was it her fault that the sun roof flew off so she's not obligated to pay for it now if she had done something to make it break then yeah i'd of made her pay for it.


The sunroof wasn't opened at all, it was closed and sealed shut but i mean we were having gusts of wind upto 65 MPH and rollin' down the highway doing 70 and then add another gust of wind on top of it just got up under it and then off she went i looked at the damage though and it's just the glass and nothing else so i'm going to guess that the damn whatever held it down which looked like a glue just couldn't hold on to it and them BAM off it went down the road shattering all over the place .... SAD DAY! FREAKIN' A

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Yeah it was crazy i've seen it happen before i've seen some crazy things being in a marine town when people do half ass work. but yeah the sunroof was a factory option and as far as i know it's never been replaced but hey what do i know i mean i didn't get a work sheet on it.


Im glad she was completely honest with me because she knows the things i've said i'd do to people if they ever hurt my truck she was petrified to tell me she told me she was afraid that i would hurt her and our friendship was over, i just gave her a hug and told her it was going to be all ok, and i'm paying for it because in no way was it her fault that the sun roof flew off so she's not obligated to pay for it now if she had done something to make it break then yeah i'd of made her pay for it.


The sunroof wasn't opened at all, it was closed and sealed shut but i mean we were having gusts of wind upto 65 MPH and rollin' down the highway doing 70 and then add another gust of wind on top of it just got up under it and then off she went i looked at the damage though and it's just the glass and nothing else so i'm going to guess that the damn whatever held it down which looked like a glue just couldn't hold on to it and them BAM off it went down the road shattering all over the place .... SAD DAY! FREAKIN' A


I'd say the installer was to blame then. you driving a 2003 SS? A sun roof wasn't an option back then. it wasn't offered till 2005 I think. Maybe the dealership desiced to add it. Either way it doesn't appear to be her fault so no, I wouldn't make her pay for it. just sucks ass.

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I'd say the installer was to blame then. you driving a 2003 SS? A sun roof wasn't an option back then. it wasn't offered till 2005 I think. Maybe the dealership desiced to add it. Either way it doesn't appear to be her fault so no, I wouldn't make her pay for it. just sucks ass.



That's correct, GM trucks had the sunroof option for the 1st time in 2005.

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Im glad she was completely honest with me because she knows the things i've said i'd do to people if they ever hurt my truck she was petrified to tell me she told me she was afraid that i would hurt her and our friendship was over, i just gave her a hug and told her it was going to be all ok, and i'm paying for it because in no way was it her fault that the sun roof flew off so she's not obligated to pay for it now if she had done something to make it break then yeah i'd of made her pay for it.



things like a truck can be replaced but a true friend cant be replaced.

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