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Man Spreads Hiv


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A man in NYC (33 year old Nushawn Williams) intentionally spread HIV to at least 13 women knowingly after he is a sex obsessed drug addict. They want to throw him in the can for life confused.gif


I say screw it, just line him up for a quick execution M16.gif . I am not trying to make this a political topic, but what are your thoughts on keeping this scumnbag in a cell where taxpayers have to pay to keep him alive?

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cut him off on his aids medication and let him suffer and have a horrible death, and also tattoo "I HAVE AIDS" on his forehead


as well as amputate his arms and legs so that suicide is almost impossible.


or my personal morbid curiosity wants to see how the human body would react in outer space. burn, freeze, implode, explode...or a combination of all four.

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This happened as well in Indiana. The sick basterds M16.gif I really wish the US would incorporated torturing for people like this...torture then let die slowly.



I agree with your statement, but in all seriousness I wish they would quarintine everyone with AIDS like Ebola, and just let them all die together, then it would be eradicated except from monkeys.

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as well as amputate his arms and legs so that suicide is almost impossible.


or my personal morbid curiosity wants to see how the human body would react in outer space. burn, freeze, implode, explode...or a combination of all four.


right..... i forgot about that

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