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Truck Stolen...

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Well, its official. By no choice of my own, I am no longer a Silverado SS owner and cannot stand the thought that my baby was violated in such a manner. She has been totally stripped. The people that reported the truck to the police couldn't even identify what type of vehicle was left from the parts. It was found in the Castle Hills development area in North Dallas. :banghead::M16::mad::bs:

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I wanna take the time to thank all of the people of this forum for all of the fun and information that I've gleaned from my years of membership/ownership. You are a dedicated lot. I've learrned a lot from your posts and although I'm not much of a poster myself and a lot of what I was able to do to my own personal truck was dictated by my limited budget, I was able to live vicariously through a lot of you guys and your endless builds and creativity. I experienced elation for those who have built their trucks to the hilt. You guys in the 10 sec club, I proudly bragged about to my friends as if it were a family member graduating from college with a PhD (luckily I have friends who are car junkies like me). I have never enjoyed any one vehicle as much as I have enjoyed this one. She will be missed and I'm sorry I won't be able to achieve all of the things with her that I had envisioned. The future was looking brighter in that I was just before relegating the SS to a second vehicle that was going to allow me to start toying with her. Thanks for the years and thanks for the shared passion. I'm over, but I'm not out! :pepsicheer::peelout::cheers::flag:

Edited by SilveradoEsEs (see edit history)
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get ur payoff $$ and come back stronger man, thats what I did, now I have exceeded my previous truck. Don't let them get you.


How does insurance arrive at a pay-off amount? I see where trucks are going from anywhere between $13k and $21k on cars.com. The KBB value for mine goes from $15385-$18335 depending on fair to excellent rating and for equipment and mileage.

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Yes as stated above ins. co's go by "fair market value" based on trucks being sold in your area at the time of payoff. Show any receipts you saved, say you had a tool box in back, CD's, Ipod, sunglasses, laptop, things inside your truck they might also cover. Milk it baby, milk it. Any receipts for recent maint., recent new tires, etc. I got 24K for my SS and paid 18K for it. After payoff I made 8K cuz I only owed 16K, used that as down and mods for VHO. I got paid for a tool box, sales tax, my mods., sunglasses, etc.... Come out of this on top man. Also, look for local CraigsList ads in a few days, now or a week for your parts. Then send the link to your ins. adjuster and local PD that took report. Maybe the banditos can be caught. I found my rear bumper on CL and even called the guy. Was sure it was mine cuz I was missing the plastic keyhole cover for spare and had a distinct paint touchup on it.

Edited by Bad Ass Silvy (see edit history)
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Sorry to hear about the ending. Dont forget though these are some of the best times yet to purchase a low milage SS, or an SS at all. Go to a dealer tell them your story, who knows might get a special lil discount for being loyal. From bad comes good. :thumbs::chevrolet:

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That realy blows, but like others have said, take this and come back stronger! Get another SSS, TBSS, or other B.A. vehicle and just go crazy! Good luck man! I feel for you and cant wait to hear about the ass****'s who did you wrong getting what they desrve...Caught or shot!

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-Number 1, build yoursellf a garage

-Number 2, You need some dogs. Pitbulls and/or Rottwiellers (both muscle dogs) and a beagle (security to hear anything abnormal) trained to attack. The local PD over here are scared of my beagle, its pathetic but funny to see a them cower to a 24lb dog :crackup: Nothing better than seeing a crook taken down by the neck by a 150-175lb rotty.

-Number 3, night vision cameras


Do some measure of security, you know these guys will be coming back for another round. Hire someone to hide on your property and take notes on who drives by, take ID car tags, just some Magnum PI stuff.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had a 96 silverado it was the fastest and my fav truck then i was hit in the pass side and and totalled you will find another fav im sure..... Ibought the Sss now i have a fav for life I only fayed 14.500 for a 74k truck and have luved it you can find a Sss worth the money in missouri area they are going for 14 to 20 depending on mileage the 20k had 14k miles it was pristeen

Edited by Cline03 (see edit history)
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