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Over-zealous SS fans


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Today I went to go grab a little lunch w/ a co-worker. I parked across 2 spaces to avoid door dings (parking lot was half empty anyways) As we ate lunch she (my co-worker) points out that 2 people are looking at my truck.... I watch as they point and talk..... and stare ...... and talk some-more. Then the guy leans on my truck and is looking in the windows (NOT TINTED YET) like hes looking for something. I immedeatley jumped up and hauled ass outside to see what the hell he was up to... by the time I got out there he had rubbed his greasy nose all over my windows BUT the worst part was the huge scratch his belt put in my drivers side door! :fume:


I confronted the A-hole and asked him what the FAHK he was lookin for... he said he was "just admiring my truck". I pointed out he scratch he had made and he started apologizing...... he gave me $200 cash for scratching the paint and turns out I was able to buff it out when I got home (with alot of effort). I feel kind of bad for yellin' at the guy cuz I probably would have done the same thing.... should I try and track him down and give the $$$ back??? He was highschool age and I know how hard $200 bucks is to come by at that age..... I just feel bad that I gave the kid such a hard time and the damage turned out to be minor.

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i agree, now that you've cooled down and got the scratch out, give him back the 200 bucks and take him for a ride in the truck or at least show it off to him with you right there. i'm guessing by this point he's more than learned his lesson. it was pretty cool of him to give you the money like that though since like ben said most would have tried to start a fight with you.

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you seem a little rusti there dylan. you should have been up and out there before they had a chance to make the scratch. either way people have ot pay for their stupidity. if they are dumb enough to leave a scratch in a vehicle while they are looking at it they should pay for it.

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you seem a little rusti there dylan. you should have been up and out there before they had a chance to make the scratch. either way people have ot pay for their stupidity. if they are dumb enough to leave a scratch in a vehicle while they are looking at it they should pay for it.



At least he owned up to what he did! Maybe keep half of it, i mean you still had to work to get it out. Look at is as a discounted body shop.

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You know what you should do. If the situation was reversed what would you feel like? You taught him a valuable lesson in not touching someone elses vehicle. Now show him you can be understanding as well.



:withstupid: He did the responsable thing, and owned up to it, probably learned a lesson. You giving him back his money will probably teach him another good one.

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