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Engine Temps ?


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I live in Anchorage, Alaska the temperature never gets above 75 degrees here. My truck always runs at 210 degrees whether I am in traffic at a stop or crusing at 75 on the highway. This weekend I was crusing at 75 MPH in 22 degree weather and I still was running at 210. Is this normal? I am seriously thinking about getting a 160 degree stat. Do I need one? Help me out here fellas, Please.

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The in dash gauge is not all that accurate. It seems to enjoy parking around 210. Looking with my puter and EFI Live, I can seem more change in the coolant temps than is reflected on the in dash gauge. But, keep in mind, the engine is designed to run at that coolant temp. Lowering the thermostat temp can have indesired side effects.

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The in dash gauge is not all that accurate.  It seems to enjoy parking around 210.  Looking with my puter and EFI Live, I can seem more change in the coolant temps than is reflected on the in dash gauge.  But, keep in mind, the engine is designed to run at that coolant temp.  Lowering the thermostat temp can have indesired side effects.



What kind of negative side effects?

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If I ran 210 all the time, no matter what, I'd begin to believe my gauge wasn't working correctly. I would take it to the dealer and let them hook a tech II up to it and really see what temp it's running at. If it's way off, although not sure where the cutoff would be, it would seem like they would send off for a new gauge cluster.


I have a 160 stat and run at 183 in 90+ heat - as monitored by EFI live. At idle it will come up until my fans come on, then back down. FYI, my gauge reads about 8 degrees off, but the diff is not linear.

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Without electric fans, pretty much regardless of thermostat, the truck is going to run the temp it wants. I don't believe there is a adj temp sensor for the clutch fan.


A thermostat only effects the temp at which the coolant circulates, it's not really much of a control measure.

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