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what a weekend ( I friking hate thieves!!!)


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So I had one nasty weekend. So I live next to my grandpa and have for 3 years now. I actually bought my house from him. Last year my Grandma passed away from complications from Cancer and right after that my grandpa get very sick. He ended up on a feeding tube and his quality of life over the last year and a half has been pretty poor. He also kept getting Phenomena and every time it made him weaker and weaker.

Well last week he got Phenomena again and ended up in the Hospital.


On Friday I got home from work and one my my good neighbors came running over to let me know that the door to my Grandpa shop was open and there was stuff thrown all over the place. Well i went over there and noticed a bunch of stuff like tools and weed whackers and other things missing. So I called the police, they came out and took notes and pictures, but I knew that it would be very unlikely that they would find the people or the tools.


So Obviously those people knew my grandpa was gone, so i thought to myself maybe I should take anything of value from the house and bring it to my house just in case, but then I decided to go ahead and leave it in his house. Well everything was fine on Saturday, but I woke up Sunday morning and his garage was open, his trailblazer was gone and the house was broken into. They stole his TV, Car, all my Grandmas Jewry, his guns, and a few other misc items.


They left all the medical equipment in the house, so obviously they knew he was a sick old man who was gone and probably dying and yet they were perfectly fine with steeling things from him.


Well then to make things worse my Grandpa ended up passing away about 2pm yesterday afternoon. I am very sad about it, but at least he is not suffering anymore. Like I said his quality of life was 0 and he really did not want to live that way. luckily he went into a kinda coma and he did not suffer and he went very fast. They could have possibly prolonged his life by putting him on a breathing machine but he has an advanced directive on file that says he does not want to be kept alive by machines. My dad had to make the decision to not put him on the breather which I knew was hard for my dad, but it was an easy decision to go along with my grandpas wishes.



I just wonder if those criminal would have any remorse if they knew they stole a bunch of stuff from a dying man. I am almost positive that has something to do with the meth head neighbors that live on the other side of him. The officers that showed up know all about them and their criminal records, and they will be watching them very closely.


Luckily my grandpa never knew about the break in, that would have been one more stress he really did not need.


The police are hopeful that they will recover his car, but of course the guns, Jewry and everything else is gone forever. The Jewry and guns are not worth really anything because my grandparents never owned anything of real value, but they did have quite a bit of sentimental value to my family. They were able to get some really good prints so hopefully that person is in the system and they catch the bastards. If they dont recover the car it wont be that big of a deal and insurance will pay out.


Luckily they did not steel my grandpas 77 Chevy pickup with 30K miles even though they have keys to it. My dad and I were planning on restoring that after we finish the 69. It another thing that does not have a lot of actual value, just sentimental value. I pulled the battery, and unhooked the throttle cable so they should not be able to steel it easily. I ordered a new lock set and once that comes in we will take it somewhere safe.



Sorry for the long post I just needed to vent.

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Man, thats definitely a rough weekend. Lock everything up tight, file another police report, then go be with your family and tell some good stories about your grandpa. Let the police do their thing, try not to stress about the stolen stuff!

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WOW, Sorry about your Grandpa !!! But like you said he does not have to suffer anymore...

As far as the theft, Hopefully you get some of the stuff back and they will get theirs when the time comes...

Karma is a bitch I never want to mess with...God Speed SSS buddy !!!

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wow sorry about your grand father. it would be hard to not try to take a issue in to your own hands. i would be very tempted to go find a big box for a brand new tv and stuff like that to place on curb in the "trash" and shut of the lights and wait in there for some one to return. condolences to you and your family in these hard times.

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Thanks everyone for the kind words. I am sad he is gone, but i know his was very unhappy and he was suffering, and it now at peace.


We replaced all the locks in the house and is 3 garages. And we put dowels in every sliding window to keep them from being slid open. They were able to break loose a lock on one of his window and that's how they got it. So hopefully everything is secure now.


My dad stayed there last night, and his care giver that was living with him is going to stay for a few more nights in the house while we get everything else out of there that could be stolen.

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Man I don't even know where to start Dan reading this made my stomach hurt and I lost my appetite. I'll be praying for you and your family man that is a rough couple days. I hope to god that Karma takes care of those assholes ASAP. People like that don't deserve to breath my good air! Hopefully the cops can recovery some of the things. Sorry for your loss.

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Wow dan sorry about your loss man but that takes a special piece of garbage to do something like that and im a firm believer in karma and like earl said it would be very hard for me not to take things into my own hands as well because i know how close i am to my grandfather

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I can't stand thieves, criminals. Sorry for your losses, your Grandma last year and your Grandpa this weekend. Glad you will have the 77 Chevy to keep close and remember him by. I've said this on a few other threads with thieves but I'll share again, deer cameras are a really good and cheap motion camera that can be easily hidden and catch thieves, they work especially well in areas that are out in the country and tuck in nicely around shops etc. Best wishes Dan!

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