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Whos the youngest SSS owner?


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Alright I admit it...I'm a little jealous of the kids who get the NICE cars handed to em but hey F*ck it... I just wish my parents were well off enough when I was that

age to buy me something like the SS....sh*t they didn't even buy me a car!! I was rollin a multi-colored primer chevelle that I paid $1000 for!!... but as for the topic....


I was 22 when I bought my SS...PAID IN FULL too!!! no car payments for me thank you!! payments suck a$$ :banghead:

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SCREW ALL YOU GUYS! I have the SS, a new house, and a bunch of other fun stuff at 23 yrs old..... all paid for by me and my highly overpaid office job! :jester:


Seriously guys... flaming on people who were handed a $40k truck is just as bad as being a punk kid w/ no repsect for money.


If situations were reversed would you turn down a free SS from mom and dad @ 18-19-20 years old? I know I wouldn't have... would've left me w/ an extra $600 p/month in my pocket! :tear:


Everyone here has a different background... some of us worked our asses off for the things we have while others were fortunate enough to have parents who can afford to buy nice things for their kids. One things for sure... we all love our trucks!


Everyone just :chillpill: !

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It doesn't matter how you got your SS, this forum shouldn't be about bashing people who you don't thing deserve it. For example I don't believe Sprewell should have a lamborghini but he does, life is unfair, so get over it. The 18 year olds with the SS shouldn't piss you off, but the criminals who get away with stuff and still live a life of luxury should piss you off. When I have kids, you can bet I'm going to give them everything I can to make sure they succeed in life. If that means that I give them an SS over some beater car, I'd do it in a second. So everyone should be proud they own an SS regardless of how they got it.

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I think you guys are thinking about this all wrong.


I bust my ass for my family and if I can give my son a better life than I had, than I will. That is why I work and strive to better myself. If I made enough that my son would never need to work, I would still try to teach him the value of money and to be a good person, but I would not make him work. I would hope that he chose to work and have a career, but I would not force it on him.


Just my 2 cents.



you couldnt have said it any better. and jsut cause a young kid has a nice truck doesnt mean they dont respect anything. I pay for my truck almost all by myself. I paid 29,000 for it and 15 of that was from my fisrt truck that i paid for, and my father just helps me out with the rest of the payments. NOw i respect my father for doing this and i appreciate it more than any of you haters can understand. I am so greatful for what i have, and i thank God for it everyday.

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I think you guys are thinking about this all wrong.


I bust my ass for my family and if I can give my son a better life than I had, than I will. That is why I work and strive to better myself. If I made enough that my son would never need to work, I would still try to teach him the value of money and to be a good person, but I would not make him work. I would hope that he chose to work and have a career, but I would not force it on him.


Just my 2 cents.



you couldnt have said it any better. and jsut cause a young kid has a nice truck doesnt mean they dont respect anything. I pay for my truck almost all by myself. I paid 29,000 for it and 15 of that was from my fisrt truck that i paid for, and my father just helps me out with the rest of the payments. NOw i respect my father for doing this and i appreciate it more than any of you haters can understand. I am so greatful for what i have, and i thank God for it everyday.

I personally am not saying you dont respect your parents and are thankful, im just saying they SHOULDNT need to do that. No offense but if you dont live outside your means...you wont need help.

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