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Curremt Car & Driver pg 81.


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In the readers letters section:




About 2 months ago, after fitting a Vortech v2 SQ S-Trim supercharger to my 03 Silverado SS, I was driving hom after a long day at the shop. I was feeling the extra ponies and wanted to get on the gas pedal. I went by a state trooper doing 105 in a 55. The trooper was nice and only gave me a speeding ticket. This happened in a township that doesnt have a court, so I had to appear before a judge in Canfield, OH.

When it was my turn, the judge looked at my case, read it, and said, " Mr Mace, this is excessive, what is your excuse?"

I explained the modifications, and everything I had done. She then asked me how I wanted to plead. I felt devilish, so I told her I was not guilty by reason of temporary insanity. She asked me to justify my plea, so I said, " I dont know what came over me. The voices in my head told me it would be ok."

She said, "well Mr Mace, its not okay, and Im going to find that you are a danger to yourself and public safety. Im going to order that you be remanded to the custody of the county sheriffs dept for a competency hearing, until a psyhco-diagnostic evaluation can be performed."

And as you can see by the envelope (( Stamped "inmate correspondance" )) Im still in jail for being an idiot. Thats what I get for speeding in a town with only one intersection.



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It is not funny, last time (without vortech) i lost my driverslicence for an week :banghead:

Next time i know what to tell the policemen.


Officer: Why are u speeding?

Me: i have to go to my job.

Officer: what job needs this hurry?

Me: i am an dickenlarger

Officer:what, what kind of job is an dickenlarger?

Me: We pull and stretch dicks till they are app. 6 feet.

Officer; What in earths name do you need a dick of 6 feet for?

Me: They goverment gives them speedguns and put them on the side of the road.....

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