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Well i was commin home from the track last night, on the sparsly used beeline to get to I-95, b.s.'ing with my buddies in the truck when i noticed that there was this toyota camery in the lane next to me and the dude would not get away from me, he went faster when i did, and slowed down when i did, i was like what the hell is this dude doing (he was at the track running too, threw down like 16 second 1/4's or somthing rediculous) So to mess with him i just let off and coasted to about 25 mph from 80, and he did too, and i rolled my window down, and he knailed it, i couldn't believe it so i got on it too, and i passed him like he was standing still and left him on that highway byhimself, lol. Me and the guys were laughing so hard, i dunno mabye it was one of those you had to be there things but it was amazing that this guy even wasted his time with that car. he pulled up next to me at the light for the entrance ramp and was staring at me, and 2 of the guys stuck there heads out of my window and just laughed there asses off. I dunno..... it's a camery!!!


Nate :mad::confused:

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Well i was commin home from the track last night, on the sparsly used beeline to get to I-95, b.s.'ing with my buddies in the truck when i noticed that there was this toyota camery in the lane next to me and the dude would not get away from me, he went faster when i did, and slowed down when i did, i was like what the hell is this dude doing (he was at the track running too, threw down like 16 second 1/4's or somthing rediculous) So to mess with him i just let off and coasted to about 25 mph from 80, and he did too, and i rolled my window down, and he knailed it, i couldn't believe it so i got on it too, and i passed him like he was standing still and left him on that highway byhimself, lol. Me and the guys were laughing so hard, i dunno mabye it was one of those you had to be there things but it was amazing that this guy even wasted his time with that car. he pulled up next to me at the light for the entrance ramp and was staring at me, and 2 of the guys stuck there heads out of my window and just laughed there asses off.  I dunno..... it's a camery!!!


Nate :mad:  :confused:


He was probably from Orlando. Everyone drives like that in Orlando, and usually worse.

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That's hilarious.. Were they staring like they were pissed? Before I got the truck, I can remember several times revving at someone in the ol' Cavalier just so I could hear their exhaust and see the tire smoke, not to race.. :crackup: Most people would shake their head and laugh, but every now and then someone would bite and take off.. It still gives me chills to think about the way a Z06 leaves the line, for example.. God I gotta have one of those..

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