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:thumbs: It's finaly out go pick up a copy of PLUSH magazine my truck looks awsome. But I am still :mad: pissed I did not make the cover these two ugly ass trucks beat me out for the cover no big deal but at least it finally came out go check it out I am on page 89,92-93 there is also a blue one with lambo doors :puke: it dont look to good but go see for your self it is called PLUSH let me know what you think ow and I forgot my bike is in there to. :thumbs:
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I am not sure why you guys can't find it but maybe it ain't out there yet maybe give it a few days I would scan it but my scanner don't work and the PLUSH web site aint up yet. But I know the mag is released all over the US so mabye give it a few days or mabye you could try those run down news stands.

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