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Everything posted by page305

  1. They are great (if you like energy). So smart (for a dog) and love to play. Very bouncy personalities too...
  2. Grace, when is your son coming back to release the brake on our chairs?
  3. Seems like a lotta' server load... Just my opinion there... cool idea though.
  4. Trips? I don't want to ever see a triple trailer with haz-mat and a cop behind the wheel!!!!! Lord help us! Woop woop!
  5. Why I believe in capital punishment. What a-hole steals from a personal at a medical facility? Oh, you're loved one is hurt/sick so I'll steal from you to boot! I say cut both their hands off and remove all government sanctioned aids. Live on the street without hands scumbag! Sorry brother.
  6. Voted skeptical because it seems far fetched; however, after learning about factual science I've realized there's alot of 'real' things that are just as far fetched if not more... life is strange in SOOO many ways that nothing is impossible. Never had an experience but there is one set of stairs at my grandparents house that I always got the urge to RUN RUN RUN up the last 4 or 5 steps... so weird (I'm 25 years old and 6' - 200lbs!) Feel like such a little girl about it.
  7. I laughed my a$$ off too... I was thinking the same thing as soon as I saw the post then lost it when I actually saw that. I laughed just as hard at: "they 'were' in the industry, and bulb is okay." I like that avatar... I got to work around 138k at a generating station, spooky stuff... I was never more away of every move I made! Never came withing 15' of the hot stuff but I still kept looking at the blades, lockouts and grounding clamps every couple minutes
  8. Haha... that's me! Bulbs don't go into lamps; lamps go into light fixtures. Bulbs get planted in the ground to grow pretty pretty flowers and whatever else grows from bulbs. I'd get flamed at work for calling them "bulbs", but I still do it sometimes... Funny that made it to the list... Oh yeah... Me Too!
  9. Saw that one coming... "Hey look, my little boy climbed into my experimental aircraft that's ready to be marketed! Everybody tune in..."
  10. If you do take the test be aware (at least Delaware was this way) that you have to be 100% on your vehicle inspection points if the vehicle has air brakes (which a class A surely will)... One missed check or wrong answer and it's a fail (you don't wanna' fail because the truck rental isn't cheap). I'd say make them pay for expenses, but as far as negotiating a better wage, that's up to you. A piece of info that helped me; when you come into a turn too fast you have to slightly accelerate (sounds crazy, but it's true).
  12. Good One... that's one where I didn't see the punchline coming until the end....
  13. We all fight on the same side and different angles of strength are needed in the military. The end result is what matters and we can all agree; if you have a team of Rangers and Marines hunting you, you're as good as dead. Rangers Lead the Way. Always Faithful. Now go whoop Iraqi Ass!
  14. I do that too. Sometimes I'll get a hobby and go balls to the walls with it then sometimes I just drop it out of the blue...
  15. Does anyone else get chills when these commercials play? I'd give my left arm to hear the full versions by Cat... If anyone hasn't heard, I'm refereing to Under the Milky Way and Space Oddity... Under the Milky Way: Space Oddity: Just something about how she hangs her voice on certain words... ughhh.... love it.
  16. jc06VMAX_bIoNiC ^^^ New screen name for ya'...
  17. I wonder how many toes that guy has left...
  18. Ridiculous. Delaware buses inner city kids to the suburbs and vise versa... and their biggest problem is a cub scout bringing a spork to school?!?! I hate everything... I hate this bar, and I hate to drink, on second though tonight I think... >:|
  19. What a gimmick... it's ashame. The movie looks cool, but the demanding thing is surely a gimmick, just like the "enter code from under the cap" gimmick. Drive us where they want us. Pfft. I hope to see it soon, sounds cool.
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