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Everything posted by page305

  1. Scumbags. I hope they die tonight.
  2. The government should put them up for sale at the 4,500 price and allow people to buy them. It'd be a chance for low income people to buy nice vehicles. Once the VIN is entered in the rebate, it wouldn't be eligable to be turned in again... why destroy a good vehicle?
  3. Is there a way they can track where the vehicle drove to before the power was cut?
  4. Is there a local student (late elementary, early high school) that could babysit for him after they get home from school? I know alot of girls that age like little kids, and most would love to have him around. My girlfriend for instance (much older obviously), actually LOVES to babysit her nephew. She'd be that type... That may be a way to get him out a few hours earlier and know he'll get one on one attention...
  5. My mirror thermo lies to me. It told me 105 one day, I drove for 60 seconds and it dropped to 91.
  6. I'm sorry to hear about the situation, economy is ass at the moment. For what it's worth I'll add my 2 cents, and it sucks to say, but this is my feeling and I have a soft spot for young children. The truck is a piece of steel and plastic, it has no feelings, no loyalty and no love toward you. It'll never remember that you sold it, and will never miss you. Your child will love you and miss you. There were thousands of SS's made, and hundreds for sale. There will be more made and more for sale in the future. Your child has one life, as do you. Make it count; regret is a bitch. Maybe when they're older and they can communicate and be a little more independent and enjoy the company of other kids, but so young makes me nervous. Bottom line is I would sell my truck in a heartbeat, even let it get repossessed if I had to. Hope all works out for you, I feel for ya' bud. your decision is your own, noone knows the situation like you do, just though I'd give my $.02...
  7. WAIT ONE DAMN MINUTE!!!! You have a PS3 slim AND a huge F'in PLASMA!!!!!!!!! ENVY! Party at your place!
  8. I couldn't solve a rubics cube; PERIOD. Let alone in less than 2 mintues! FTW!
  9. I hate rap. I do listen to 2pac though. He changes melodies and piutch in his voice more than you're average rapper and does a pretty wide variety (rough, slow, rythmic etc), he does a good job of "word emphasis" in the right spots too.... He was a piece of poo, I'm glad he's dead (he was a real scumbag person), but I like his music. Warning: Vulgar! Also like Bone Thugs and Harmony, one Nappy Roots song, and a few by Ghost Faced Killer (I refuse to say 'killa', lol).
  10. How'd you get the lights in the air ducts? Bought or custom? A "how to" thread would be great! Love that... I need some more downward light on the road. Paint looks fabulous *I can't believe I just used that word.
  11. Get used to it... HAHA! Just kidding, not really.... they all like to.... Not to worry. None of that matters after the first week. Enjoy the married life man. Congrats!
  12. PS3 Slim? FTW! Glad I waited...
  13. HAHA! I like how he adjusts to be in the center back and forth. That was a nice touch. OT: http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v...5&l=3774749 It's funny how the baby laughs after the Boo-Bees joke... that was good! It was almost like he just got the joke...
  14. Sounds like envy to me. Scumbags. Hope they die tonight.
  15. Welcome to the site... Sucks dude, I know. I hate people.
  16. HAHA! It took a while for me to get that... Agree, he looks like a tool. Tough guy pouty lips, HAHA!
  17. Signed up for it a few weeks ago. It's a points/cash rewards card. Also Includes: - Free Tire Rotation - Free Scanning - Free Tire Repair (plug only) - Free Tire Pressure Correction (inflate/deflate) The card is free and doesn't link to your credit, so I say why not?! Just in case some didn't know about it...
  18. Didn't know they existed. I had seen one before too. I thought it was just an SRT-10 that the owner modded black. Nice looking truck, I noticed it in my rear view as soon as it was close, big attention grabber (big beefy grille).
  19. Banjo-Kazooie kicks ass! Red Light of Death - vs - Yellow Light of Doom: One is more rampant, but it's also covered without a warranty.
  20. I don't know why but my eyes picked up on that right away... kinda' spoiled the punchline for me... good one anyway. I like Obama jokes. (even spell check doesn't recognize him as the president!) HAHA!
  21. I think I'd want more than 2 buckets of water... I remember bad accidents on the improperly lubed 'slip and slide'..... ouch... http://www.ebaumsworld.com/video/watch/80615566/ ^^^^^^^^^^^^ sums it up ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ HAHA
  22. I like my 360, but like the PS3 also (don't own one yet)... Which is really better and why? I know they're mostly identical, but there has to be some small differences only an owner of both would know.
  23. Game looks bad arse! I'm looking forward to soooo many! God of War III, Assassins Creed II, COD Anything!... I need to get a PS3 just for the blue-ray and the God of War III.... Does anyone else feel like the 360 controller has it all over the PS3?
  24. Looks amazing! I've been wanting to do this from day 1, just don't have the extra money for it... Seems I need to spend faster than I can save... Anyway, many kudos! Can't say I like the grille, but it would be a boring forum if we all had the same tastes, I say keep it... A+!
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