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Everything posted by page305

  1. Pa-pa-pa-pa-privaate eyees, they're waaatching you, they seeeee youuur evvvvery mooove... my private eyes... ^^ Name that artist! ^^
  2. yeah I gotcha'... ...just sucks to let him continue his scumbag ways... Maybe a new Camaro???
  3. http://www.reversemobile.com/index.php It'll cost $14 but you can find the name and address of the owner of those cell numbers... Just an FYI...
  4. Wow, you seem more pissed about this than th OP... If you have kids, don't retaliate. It's better to play it safe there. Good luck and hope all works out. The whole situation bugs me, and not because it's an SS. Honest people getting screwed by scumbags that aren't bound by societies laws like we are. Truth be told, I'd love my SS to get stolen right now. I'd like the payoff. Can you say $630 a month in my pocket?
  5. It was just talk but shouldn't be laughed at. (when I say 'you' I don't mean the OP directly, just a victim in general) Scenario 1: Call the cops and tell them a guy in CA stole your truck. Use some tax dollars to pay for the cop to write a report, then file it away with the 5,000 other reports (probably from all the same 150 people in the area). Then allow the guy to continue to do it over and over again and cause other honest people serious problems to make an easy, cheap, tax free dollar at a hard workers expense... since he's not claiming this as income, he's probably getting a welfare and unemployment check from you too! He may have even driven home to pick it up and cash it in your truck! So he ruined your day, collected a check from your hard work, and now he's making money off the problems he caused you. He will do it again tomorrow, then the next day, then when someone eventually walks in on him stealing their car, he'll kill them and move to a different car... Better to hope the cops can catch him, then hope they get good evidence against him, then hope his lawyer doesn't weezle him out, then pay for him to get fed and clothed, then hope he doesn't sue for "unfair" conditions in prison because his cable went out. So... yeah, my opinion was soooo ridiculous. I can sum up my way in one line. Scenario 2: Bam. One dead scumbag. Less crime. Less tax. Good guys are their own worst enemy. You take it upon yourself to protect the bad guy. I can guarantee they wouldn't share the centiment toward you. My opinion stands. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB124960115104312757.html ^^^^^^^ That's 40,000 'bams', or one big 'boom'.... either way.
  6. Beat his ass. End of story. Regardless if you got paid, he STOLE your truck! I'd personally kill him (and I mean that), but don't recommend that as it's a hefty jail bid.
  7. <<<<<<<< I seeee what you did there!!! Judging by the avatar, have to give you a on that one Mr.McMahon! ...and welcome McMahon's girl!
  8. Baghdad internet problems... courtesy of 'in your face' US bombings Think next time Mr. Insurgents! Welcome home brother!
  9. 110k here. Just some small suspension problems and noises. ABS issue (think it's related to other things being off center and out of whack). Trucks runs strong. Not as tight or as powerful anymore, but overall I'm pretty happy.
  10. Welcome, need some pics! Congrats on the buy.
  11. Wheels listing looks suspicious. Very bland description on it, too simple. Assemble the Ninjas!
  12. My grandparents have 2 of them... they ride nice! Good for the back... I'd rock one! Congrats.
  13. I use mine as a truck (light duty and towing), but it's not the same... If you get a dent/scratch in a normal truck, it doesn't take away from it that much... if you get them in an SS it looks out of place.... the SS should be shiny and perfect. See a truck with mud on the wheels and you blow it off, see a corvette with mud on the wheels and it's like "FTW!?"...
  14. So sorry brother, there's somethin' special about grandma's... it's sad when it happens.
  15. That depends on the quality of the digital song. Bitrate, Encoding etc etc play a big role. If you rip your CD's choose 320kbps or higher, the lower bitrate the more quality you loose... the higher quality you choose, the more disk space the songs take up. All in all it's far superior to CD's (not the sound, I mean convenience and storage size). I know what you meant about swearing you'd never own them. I did the same (thought it was a trendy Paris Hilton type of thing when they first came out). FLAC is superior to MP3 (mp3 is a very lossy format, but a middle ground to size/performance ratio). Not sure if an iPod plays FLAC files? Bottom line, you'll never find an all-in-one anything. Ever. You have to weigh the benefits and losses and decide for yourself. I kept my ipod... ditched my cd's. Love it. If you haven't already made a purchase to hook to your radio I strongly recommend the USA-Spec setup. Charges the ipod, digital quality from ipod to head unit (mine plays through the hard wired XM1 channel), all the controls still work (steering wheel, stereo) and you can use the controls to scroll through playlists and songs. Just can't rewind or fastforward.
  16. Sorry to hear man, look at the positive, he passed and the pain is gone. Can't fix a kidney so him staying alive would've only prolonged the pain. RIP Kamo, he was a cool looking dude
  17. Thanks for the help guys... I will def. check the ac drainage issue also... :0)
  18. I had my windshield replaced some time ago, I washed my truck and noticed the seal at the roof/windshield doesn't fit snug. I've never looked at it before, but it seems it should fit tight and completely seal to the roof Please take a look at the pic and if you get a chance, hop up and look at your truck to see if this is normal. Thanks guys... it's under lifetime warranty so I can get it fixed if needed. I did notice a musty smell for about 2 minutes after turning the A/C on once...
  19. Best one yet! Only funny cause it's so true. I've made more than one curling iron disappear...
  20. What a difference a minute makes! Had you reached for that phone 3 seconds sooner... could've gone 180 degrees on ya'!
  21. Kid in school has one... fast lil' fkr... I like 'em...
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