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Everything posted by RICE EATER

  1. like chase said.. you will be able to spin them.. but not smoke them... ive got a 2.9 pulley with a cam also..i do spin alil but neverr smoke..but then again my truck hooks good.. 1.67s on street tires.. not the best hookin truck.. but pretty solid i would say...no with your heads milled up that might change a few things.. im not sure if for better or worse whats your comp ratio now?.. i wouldnt think u would wanna get much higher then your at with a blower on top of it? but im curious to hear the combo.. always like hearin something new for sure
  2. ok just alil grudge race might be in the works.. ive got a buddy whos buddy has a cts that doesnt belive my truck is as fast as it is and wants to run me..now this cts is a an 04 i think so its not blown.. but his just bought a zex kit for it and were tryin to find out how hard he would have to spray it to keep up with me and or how much u can throw at one of these cars .. i dont know anyone thats sprayed a one yet.. so i figured what u guys might now its all in good fun ... i think..lol havent meet the guy yet.. but his comin out friday to check my truck out and see what kinda compition he's in for..i have a feelin after he see's it his going to deside to throw the kit on his 02 t/a to have a better chance..lol
  3. its not that lumpy.. its not even in the 700s..haha but close..lol.. the neibors where the least of my worries.. they used to call the cops.. but then the cops would show up.. and ask me to start it up cause they wanna hear it..haha and the rest of the of them have been askin me when im going to get it out but i think they though it was gonna be that early anyways.. i cant wait for the first drive tho..!!
  4. got her fired up at about 530AM... needless to say i woke a few neibors up...HAHA
  5. whos that guy with red ss and black wheels..gezzz.. everyone forgot about me?.... i feel the love...haha jk ive had no problems with my stainless steel lip
  6. YOU SUCK !!!...lol.. damnit i forgot it was opener today... wish i could have came out...nice time with that pulley.. what kinda 60fts do you normaly get? did you spin?
  7. im tryin to figure out what im going to run for susp right now...its got 16" of travel im not very impressed with sway a ways..so i was probly gonna run fox's.. but ive been doin alil diggin have you ever heard of F-O-A shocks...there gaining alot of rep.. so im considering running them..just cant deside.. what kinda shocks are you guys runnin? that truck sounds like its gonna be a fun ride... once you put that kb 2.2 on it..god knows u cant make anypower with a 5.4 with out it..ive got a company truck i drive every day f150 with a 5.4.. and it is gutless..lol just makes me love my SS more and more tho..lol couple buddys of mine that go to are lil dunes... silverlake here in michigan.. which is like 400 achers..lol have talked about settin up a trip to glamis..i keep forgetin your out there..might have to hook up and meet ya there one day and u can show us around..one of my buddies is just finishin up a prerunner ranger with 17inchs of travel..that thing is gonna be a riot.. and another buddy is doin his silverado..they got the back done.. tube out the back with glass sides and thats got 16 inchs of travel.. gonna go test it this weekend for the opening weekend at the dunes...then we gotta build a motor for it.. im tryin to talk him in to goin lq9 with a blower but he wants to go big cubics.. like 555 or 565.. either way should be fun ! guess i gonna get a motor figured out to keep up .. vw..eco-tech...subie.. or rotory.. not my style anyof them..lol owell
  8. whyyyy cant i leave anything alone?? this is the question i ask my self every damn day !.. u guys remeber i picked up a sand rail over the winter..well i had that for a few weeks then put alil bigger motor in.. :sneaky2: 1600 to 2276 :sneaky2: well anyways i just sold that rail to a guy in canada and hes coming to pic it up this weekend..sence i doubled my money on it i deside to go with alil bigger one...altho i made a deposit on the new on before i even had mine up for sale.. but i loved the lines of the new one... sooo heres what i buildin now except its a 4 seater.. so i can give rides what a nice guy..haha (ignore my buddy being a Dbag in the pic)..lol thats my frame..its gonna have 16" of susp travel...and i had nooo idea how much a good set of coil over was going to cost gulppp.. so il be sell everything i got layin around to fund this damn thing then as it turns out as the guy was 40mins from being here to test drive it.. i poped my motor :violent: :violent: so im going to have to redo it.. soooo im thinkin about makin it a turbo :sneaky2: maybe even a eco tech or subie motor :snooty: lol but thats gonna be hard for me to swallow..anyways though u guys would get a kick out of it :mrgreen:
  9. im feelin old today...i noticed ive even started to grunt when i stand up..lol
  10. i kinda have mix feelings.. ive got green tops on a 112 and a 2.9 pulley.. and my duty cycle is 92%.. soo im pretty toped out..but then again.. so is the 112.. .. if u can find a nice used set.. they seem to hold there value pretty well.. you can probly sell them for basicly what u paid for them..would be nice to have the extra room..but like zippy said whats the point of the extra room if u cant use it..lol and the do seem easy to tune
  11. no shit??... well hell for that il buy ya a damn plan ticket..cause my arms are gettin burned out..lol theres only one around here.. and u can ride it for a buck also.. but its on a route with the other bus's you cant rent theres... so mine im going to use for weddings i took my party bus to a weddin expo a lil over a month ago.. and alotttt of brides were askin if i had the trolley or if i knew who did cause they wanted it bad... so after all that i desided to get one sence u cant rent the other one.. so hopefull it works out.. ive already booked it for a few weddings...but we see how it does
  12. some times i just have to sit back.. and ask myself HOW THE HELL DO I GET MY SELF IN TO THESE THINGS :violent: :violent: ..lol anyways some of u may remeber me asking about CNG..( compressed natural gas ).. this is why.. i bought another limo....well kinda..a trolley...that runs of cng..at the time i though i could buy it at dons..well turns out after i get it home..they no long sell it..sooooooo i cant fill it up ughhh.. sooo i do alot of research..and put are own fill station in..and while i was waiting for that.. i deside hey ive got alil free time..i might as well redo the wood on it so it will look like new for the summer...only being a 2000 its not it that bad of shape at all..but sence as these things cost 330,000 new..i figure i better keep it lookin sharp...so as u can see i got in over my head...haha there is wayyyyy to much sanding to be done...UGH !!! :crybaby: its takin me a week just to get one side 3/4 of the way done..then i gotta start staining after that anyone got a palm sander.. and want some free beer and pizza?...lmao :grouphug:
  13. naa still got ya beat...i dont have to do any maintenace of filter it...the g/f does all that and i can get her naked while she does it haha thats right there some super rare ku-fu ninja gold fish..gotta keep the top on this huge 2 gal tank or they might sneek out and go ku-fu on your ass and take a finger off. ones even a black ku-fu ninja hes the one u really gotta watch out for...u can only get them from japan .. there known as jdm ricer goldies over there u have to get them shiped to the states.. and there a couple grand like $2500 *cough $1.99 cough* wow im bored..haha
  14. i say do it..... but then again im alil parshel to red trucks with black wheels
  15. over here in michigan at the SAND DUNES.. i meet a kid that had a red ss that had his out playin in the sand..sand drags hill climbs doin it all.. i couldnt belive it so final i found the owner and went and talk to him... turns out he even had a maggie on it.. i was in total shock.. i didnt know if i should smack him up side the head... or ask him to take me for a ride...( cause mine wasnt gonna go anywere near the dunes lol ) and way he said it did great out there.. i even hung around to watch him.. even with the 20s he did pretty well. i still cant belive i saw a maggied ss climbin thos hills..lol
  16. well basicly the deal is im buyin another limo but its got a CNG motor in it.. anyways theres almost no where to fill it up in ..so unless i can find a closer place.. im wonder if its possible to get a larger tank setup at my shop to fill it with? kinda like what people have at there homes ..any ideas?
  17. thanks alot guys... now if i could just get my hands on a tig and a plama cutter i could do some really cool stuff and make some truck parts..ughh damn wish list isnt cheap..lol
  18. well just though id switch it up alil and post something other then trucks. this is something i made for my g/f for a christmas present this year. she loves things made out of metal now that shes takin a few welding classes herself maybe be alil sappy but i though u guys might thing it was cool.. i started with just a piece of 22 gauge sheet metal (alil thinker then i should have used it killed my hands to shape it right) but it was my first time tryin this so i didnt know better..i think next time i might try cooper and gas weld it might give it some cool colors.
  19. good choice...i know theres ways to make more power then a radix..but i belive that is the best bang for the buck and most reliable way to go .and there very popular so its easyer then some to get parts/ungrades and get help with them . ive considered selling my radix to try to go bigger . just hard to talk my self in to pullin apart now that it runs so strong you would think low 12s is fast anuf for a truck but nothin is ever fast anuf it seems...lol
  20. heyyy congrats....its nice to hear some good news on something like this... still sucks but atleast u got it back..... did they find the punks that took it.. or just the truck? i would make a claim if it was me or alteast find out how much u could get and see if its worth it.. if u havent had any claims before or in a while then i would do it if its a good amount . i think u have to make 3 claims in like 3 years or soemthing like that before your premium goes up. what kinda s/c u want? or should i say how fast to u wanna go?? and how fast can u afford to go..lol thats what we all have to ask are selfs
  21. sure u can get a low from your bank for a private seller...thats what i did...u just have to get gap insurance to cover the difference of what blue book is and what the truck is worth being modded it was just a one time payment of $250 for me and they gave me the loan and its covered for the difference so everyone protected. assuming your back offers that kinda thing there
  22. sorry to hear about the truck.. that really pisses me off when that happends are u looking for a basily stock truck with a maggie on it... or do u want something setup right and fast? lol im just wondering because its it might be alil hard to find a blown ss for 20k but u never know u might find a steal out there these days ive throw the idea about sellin mine but i couldnt sell it for that amount id really if i did seem to be about 25 to 28k on ebay for anything that is FI
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