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Everything posted by RICE EATER

  1. SLACKERRRRRRR!!!!!!.....haha just jokin.... hey did you ever get a change to figure out that vid of mine of photobucket? i tired everything i could think of but it wont ever send if i try to send you the actual file.. always says its to large.. maybe some one else on here will have an idea.. im not very computer smart..
  2. so there going to make the z28 get the supercharger?.. that doesnt make anysence the SS is suppost to be the top dog . seems to me that they would bring out the z now. and then add the ss with the blower later.. hmm thats intersting
  3. Wow i had no idea we had spell check here.. i guess you do learn something new everyday. haha FYI.. if spelling bothers you make sure to never read any of my post . just skip over them lol. being dyslexic spell is far from one of my strong points...lol all tho now that Ive been informed theres spell check thats going to be my new favorite button
  4. oh and thanks for all the complements on the ride guys..... i cant wait to show u it when its all done and the interior in it.. and the front wheels in the air..WOOHOO..lol
  5. well i know u guys dont like the sticker.. but its got sentamental value.. and its along story..and its very!!! well known because of it..like you said its the cars name and "handle"..lol and basicly the back window is the only peice of anything thats i havent replaced. now im thinkin about airbushing rice eater on the back of the spoiler in the same script as nasty 69 is on the hood...or somethin the car must always have the name on it somewhere .. and i understand why u may think its alil tacky..or whatever and i can agree i like my cars smooth and sleek and ive never had any kinda of stick on my vehicles other then that one. so anyways it will get changed at some point but im not worried about that im more worried about the holes in my trunklid ..lol a... do i have a solid carbon fiber spoiler made and thats it.. and posible a matchin carbon fiber chin spoiler b... do i have a fiberglass spoiler made and have some one tryyy to match the same paint?? c... keep buging u guys to come up with another idea?? lol
  6. well just as i figured alot of people love the snap on.. which i do.. it just not worth it when i dont see snap on having much on dewalt and makitas so im leaning towards dewalt or makita..ive got plent of both already in my tool box and never really had a problem so far. looks like im not the only one that wants one for wheel swaps...after changin wheels at the track in 85 deg temps and 90% humity...with a braker bar.. IM DONE..lol its time for an cordless impact..i just wanted to get a smaller one so it wasnt in the way and easyer to handle.... i guess i could probly buy both for the price of a snap on..haha
  7. well ive only used the snap on.. and i was impressed and want one.. but alil price for me as all snap on stuff is. ive used alot of dewalt stuff and ive always had good luck with it.. altho i know alot havent guess ive been lucky.. haha veryy intersting on the makita...hmm got me leaning that way already.. and with a 15 min charge thats great as long as it last for then 15mins..haha.. what kinda price did u pay for it? and which size did u buy?
  8. ok to help out alil.. heres a few pics..i can take some more tonite these arnt very good but maybe it will help u guys see my problem..im really in need of some help here lol
  9. well ive been lookin in to gettin an cordless impact and curious if any of u guys have played with them yet. was thinkin of a 3/8 just to get in the the tighter places and have it smaller and not as bulky. but seems like everone is makin them now.. so im lookin for the best bang for the buck i really dont need to spend 500+ from snap on. im not going to use it all day everyday like the dealership guys do.. but i do want something with some nuts and that will last. im not cheap but im not going to just throw money at things either so something middle of the road will work for me i belive .. i seem them from everywhere from black and decker to dewalt to sears and snap on from 50 bucks to 500 bucks
  10. well i was just listen to the news and there sayin the prices of oil might be droping as fast as they went up...which i find hard to belive..but seems like the high prices and everone starting to use less and less might finaly have started to pay off alil and will contine for the sounds of it. and they were also saying the price per barrel has been up to $200 per barrel and may fall back down to $100 per barrel which would be amazing!!
  11. well i was going to see how far i could get with each mod and time slips to prove ever step.. my main hang up is tuning i though i would catch on faster no that i have hp tuners..i just dont have the time to sit and do hours and hours of reading and being a hands on person and not much of a reader is why it hasnt happened .. but all in time i suppost or i find some one to sit down with me and show me things..ive done alot sence the 12.300 was run but sence i cant tune it myself yet...so i guess il just have to get the headers..and really start workin on my tune... 11s in a 5300lbs will impress me alot more then 10s in my camaro thats for sure.. it still blows me away how these trucks run..lol thanks for the info guys keep it comin...speakin of krambo...i wonder how much it would cost to have some one hack in to his computer and copy a few of his tunes for me?..lmao
  12. well im not going to gut my truck and start pullin seats and everything out to see what happeneds.. ive got the basics out.. spare tire ..jacks..etc but i wanna do it in street trim..now if im at the track and im runnin 12.0X u better belive il start ripping everyting i can get my hands on to get that 11. time slip..hahaha as far as cut outs.. i do have them.. ive yet to open them on the strip im not sure how much u really gain from them i wanted to do a log with and with out.. but havent beenable to do it yet.. anyone ever done times with and with out the cut outs open?
  13. well i can agree with both your points...2.8 pulley is the limits of the 112 i belive.. and if i wasnt going to drop down..i think i would have to use meth for sure. as far as weight.. the truck weighs accoring to 131 dragway 5380 with me in it which is 200lbs..and thats with the 22s.. which are heavyyy...so with out me in it and with the lil wheels on its gotta be right around 5000.. which is pretty good for one of these trucks i think.. so about 5200ish with me in it and the lil wheels on. i totaly agree with the demissing returns thats why i made this post..lol trying not to do that..haha im thinkin headers and 100mm idlers might be my next step i know headers will make a good improvement.. i just wasnt sure how much ive never seen anyones times with a radix and then with radix and headers.. most people already have headers by the time they put on the blower
  14. ok guys i really value your guys oppion..and im stuck on something.. ive decided to get the camaro back to gether . ive got the car back from the paint shop awhile ago after being there a year.. and i think most of u saw the pics o posted black with carbon fiber painted strips...ok now heres my problem.. my painter and body guy was suppost to make me a custom one of spoiler..well as my luck would have it .. it got a job offer to paint off shore racing boats and makin like 250,000 a year.. and hes only a year older then me.. grr..lol anyway he got the car done but not the spoiler and he shut his shop down and moved.... sooo ive ****ED!!..lol ok so now moving forward ive got another buddie whos pretty good with fiberglass and said he can make the spoiler.. and ive got another buddy thats really good with an airbrush.. but im not sure if he can match the exact patteren my painter did . there for it might look tacky...so thats opion one... now the other idea ive come up with is to have him make a spoiler out of carbon fiber which would have looked killer i think but im not sure how it would look with painted strips stoping on a real carbon fiber spoiler it just doesnt seem like it would flow right . ive found all black carbon fiber so its harder to see the weave but still then the strips will just run in to it and stop....ughh.. im really stuck on this guys and need some help.. any ideas?? heres some pics of the spoiler im thinkin about doing something like this. u can click on the pics on the right to view them larger http://www.lateral-g.net/members/killercustoms/
  15. hey i got another question dont mean to hijack..but what injectors are u runnin... and whats your dutycycle at?
  16. your still runing 40 above amb.. with meth?....i was thinkin about going the meth route..but i guess not now..lol your runnin as hot as i run with out meth
  17. ...i always wondered...haha... i just figured it just shut the pumps off.. good thing i never tried it as a prank to find out..that would SUCK!!!!..
  18. very cool stuff there........... just dont take myu porn away..il have to kick someones ass for that..hahaha
  19. sweet..i can have lots of unprotected sex still and i dont have to worry anymore..!!! haha.. all bullshit aside...thats AMAZING!! and i hope it works!!
  20. could u imagine fillin up your truck... and walkin in side.. and lookin out and seeing that happin to your ride...omg id have to killa bitch...haha....now if i was just drivin by and the wind was goin the right way.. id probly pee my pants laughin so hard
  21. http://www.iheartchaos.com/2008/03/18/do-n...-do-not-stupid/
  22. thats all i have to say ! ok ok one more thing.. theres a difference from canada...to japan.... i dont recall canada ever bombin the USA!! call me crazy.. but u will never find my ass in anything but i guess its just something i call pride !! ok back to the topic..haha
  23. Oooo veryyyyy funny!!!! ... i would suggest NOT oppting for the free 'decorated' opption
  24. nothin wrong with 05+ fans.. but i belive they only push about half the CFMs as the hpm kit..something like 2500ish cfms.. to the hpm 4200ish cfms..... then by the time u buy the harness for another $200 ish.. your about the same price as the HPM kit ..maybe alil more .. but still close anuf for the what your gettin... thats why i still say best bang for the buck is the HPM kit and your supporting fellow members
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