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Posts posted by ANGRYGREG

  1. I want some back pressure. I am not worried about smog. I am running with no cats right now and have been getting backfires or misfires at WOT. I just think my truck runs better with high flow cats.


    The law was passed February 2010 that cats can't be shipped to CA from another state.


    BTW does anyone know what kind of ticket it is if you get pulled over without them???

  2. I have spent so much money on my truck and been through so much to get it where it is at. Good shops, shitty shops, waiting for parts to arrive, waiting for the motor to be built, crappy tuners, blown engine. I think it is definetly an addiction. It's never enough. I looked at my truck the other day and said out loud I think I am done. I am sure something will come up that I just have to have. It never ends. It makes me happy though and WTF do we work for if we can't have some toys.


    Don't get rid of your truck chase. That thing is so sick... :chevy:

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