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Posts posted by ANGRYGREG

  1. People do need hardwoods here and there is a house for sale 2 doors down. :squintnoeswerdrun:



    Cool. Hey KC I apologize about the wife comment, that was out of line. As for the rest of it I was just trying to get under your skin. I am sure we would get along just fine if we met. Good reading though huh.


    haha this thread was a very great source of entertainment for the past few days thanks!pepsicheer.gif



  2. The kick you in the dick comment was followed by a :jester: , as in, I was kidding. If you look through my post history 98% of the stuff I post is in jest, the other 2% is when I know the answer to a question somebody is answering. As a former 10 year master tech for General Motors, I can assure you my knowledge is sound. Just ask Kevinthegreat, i diagnosed a dead short over the phone from 200 miles away Sunday without ever touching a vehicle. As for your "desk" job, I got tired of turning wrenches for money and got away from it when i saw an opportunity, something those of us with college educations can do when said opportunites arise. A wise man once told me, "work smarter, not harder". I don't go home dirty, I don't keep long work hours, and I don't worry about what I'm gonna do when I can no longer lift and impact gun to make a paycheck. What do you have to fall back on, your winning personality?


    Alright you win. I am sure your a great guy and I wish I had your great life out there in Missouri.

  3. Pretty clever how you left a lot out in that last post but it is still all there for everyone to read. You were the one who started this tough guy shit with that "I am gonna kick you in the dick" comment. You are still a little baby with one ugly ass paint job.....lol

  4. I sure can, and just to clarify I never called Phillip gay. You started running your sausage wallet about gayness and I quoted YOUR post about everyone is gay in this thread, "except for you Phillip". If you want to be with him (which is painfully obvious) I have nothing against you. As far as my wife goes, she isn't really into older tatted guys who skateboard and brag about "making bank"; she's all "growed up" herself. Get yourself an education tile boy, and you will realize knees has no apostrophe in the context you used. I'm gonna run out and get myself some rattle can gloss black and paint everything the same color like you did on your shitbox. :thumbsdown:



    Hardwood flooring not tile. She said she liked it but maybe she is just not telling you. lol. Go back and read your posts, you all but said phillip is gay.

  5. Hmmm, let me try fun "your way"...First, I don't know Phillip, seems like a good guy, especially after reading all the things he does. Funny how the only thing I really read from that was he built your truck for you (supercharger-check, built motor-check, lowered-check). For someone who doesn't like the gay chat, I find it hilarious that your job entails you being on your knees all day (for those who don't know, last time I checked my boy Greg is a flooring contractor). I can only assume that more of you being on your knees was how you got Phillip to build your truck for you. Oh well, everyone has to be good at something. Anywho, you are right, I don't do anything, nor have I helped anyone out on here. I guess I will work on that. PM me your address and I will start by sending you some new kneepads for Xmas. You are right, this forum could use some more action, hope you got what you wanted. I'll have my hackey sack at nationals waiting for you, and if you change your mind perhaps we can do the death match Gutierrez suggested. That is provided I'm not too busy holding Brians hand.




    Yup. I have been doing floors for 12 years and when I go to work I make bank. I am assuming your work a desk job with all those thousands of posts you have. First you call phillip gay then you call him a good guy, make up your mind. I do love being on my knee's, lined up right behind your woman's ass.


    The only thing phillip did was lower my truck, he helped Chase drop his motor in, he installed tylers blower, did all kinds of shit jgpclones truck and is a good guy to call when you got questions or a part #. You, I would only call you if I wanted to know where to get a gay paint job or wanted to see your old lady again.


    can you send me copy of your book on how everyone should act on the internet along with my knee pads.

  6. And because you forgot the jester I'm supposed to magically know you are joking? Or maybe you just got put in your place and now you are backpeddling...I've seen it in your threads before. And I guess I posted enough in this thread today to get your blood pumping huh? You call me a baby, when you are the one calling names and cannot play nice with others. Everyone was having a good time in here 'til you showed up trying to be tough. Why don't you go back to riding Caddy's nuts or go ride your little skateboard. :yellow_loser:


    I didn't forget the jester. That should have been obvious. I am just trying to have fun too. Just doing it my way, not picking on some new member. Phillip has done a lot more for the people on this forum then you ever will, like installing people's superchargers, putting in motors, lowering their rides. If I see some of the pictures from the nationals I am sure I will be able to pick you out, you will be the one holding 2BFAST's hand right?


    This forum needs some action. I glad we could give everyone some good reading. You sure did put me in my place. Now I know better. :D

  7. You need to get your mind off my dick...:greddy:


    No I am not gonna drive half way across the country to embarass you. Funny how you can tease this guy for 4 pages but someone does it back and you get so serious.

  8. nice run man . about time you made it to the 1/4 mile . you should go out to fontana to see what it will run with the same mods . im curious to see what the difference between the two tracks reacts to a boosted truck.



    I am done for a while and the nitrous is a PITA it doesn't come on every time. If you are going to fontana in december I will be there for sure but I might just come to watch you run.


    Ruben- Which guys were your friends?

  9. I heard it was packed out there some of my friends said they talked to you. I was gonna go but the weather didn't look to good


    The lines were not that long but people kept breaking down, they shut down for a wind storm and some guy wrecked really bad so the line kept getting held up.


    ShawnSS- I am only making five pounds of boost with a 2.7 pulley and it was a 150 shot.

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