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Everything posted by zbishop80

  1. Well I just spent 3 hours washing, waxing, and detailing the wifes G6. It kills me to see it as dirty as it always is. I'm trying to keep it as clean as possible. Let me know what you think fellas.
  2. I'm super jealous. I've been pining over that bike for the last few years. I plan on doing the same when my SS is paid off. In the mean time here's what I'm riding.
  3. Really...I was here about 3 weeks ago for 10 days and never saw 1 SSS. Well that just goes to show I'm no Californian for sure! haha! Well I'm here until Friday gents so if you want to get a beer let me know. Its always good to hang out with fellow SS'rs. Let me know.
  4. So I'm in Santa Monica CA for work this week. I was sitting in the car talking on the phone with my boss and saw a Silver Birch Metallic SSS roll by on 4th Ave heading towards I10. Just wondering if was anyone on the site.
  5. Cars are no good if you've got no place to store them. Sell the Camaro, save the house, love the fiance. in that order!
  6. Mods are in the near future my friend. I have to pay for a honeymoon first. Once thats done there's a Z06 brake upgrade, a cowl hood, 160* Tstat, a tune and many others coming. patience is a virtue. For those following this thread, I just got my appraisal back from the Insurance company. $967 give or take a few pennies. Taking her in on Thursday to start her makeover. The SSS will be looking pretty again soon...thank the lord!
  7. Holy weird fish Batman! where'd you catch that?
  8. Just made the claim on my insurance. Told them I was trying to avoid an animal in the road and chose to hit the barrell instead of the animal. Too bad the animal was me! hahaa
  9. HAHA! Thanks gents! I'll let her know that you all approve! There's a reason I married her! hahaha
  10. Thanks for giving me the upside. At least the rock chips will be gone now as well.
  11. Pics posted, what do you all think the damage is gonna cost me. Besides the obvious dent in my pride!
  12. You wish I'd post pics of my wife! Damage is Decently bad. There's a dent in the hood where the blinking light it and bounced off. The Frant facia is scratched on the passenger side pretty bad with some deep scratches. Its gonna need some dent repair and some paint for sure. I didnt bust the facia, grilles, or bumpers any so thats good. No damage to the headlights or anythign either. Im probably looking at about 1000 to 1500$ worth of paint work. Oh well, thats what insurance is for I guess.
  13. So last night my wife and I went to a mutual friends house for a party. Being the good husband I am I told the wife she could drink and I'd be DD (Designated D@#khead). She did just that. After 2 tequila shots and about 3 or 4 rum and cokes, lets just say she was feeling a little Randy baby! Well on the way back from the party, she gets the brilliant idea to start fooling around in my truck. Something we havent done in the past because she always feared we wreck. Two thumbs up for me right? At first yea, I think "great idea"! Well after I hit the construction barrell coming off the freeway exit I didnt really think so! Just goes to show you that speed, construction barrells and sex dont mix! Whats worse is that I cant even be pissed off. I did it to myself, with the aid of my wife of course. Pics to follow shortly/. At least I know my wife loves me, too bad I have to pay for it! Edit to add pics...
  14. You got a part number. Can't find naything on there website. I appreciate the help.
  15. That gives me a good start my friend...thanks!
  16. Mental note "dont let SSSmoke Eater draw next tattoo". Got it! j/k!...but seriously I'd say your best bet is to take your rough idea (without your wonderful sketch haha) to an artist and see what they suggest. They may put you in a different direction but it may be in your best benefit to listen. Also they may come up with an idea thats better than you ever imagined. if they say a flat flag is bad then listen, they've been tattooing longer than you have, they would know. Just a thought. Good luck bro.
  17. What pads did you go with? These rotors work with no modification correct? Looking to do a fairly cheap upgrade to replace stock rotors. Eventually a Z06 upgrade but not for a while.
  18. hahaha wouldnt even let that chick get near me with a crayon! I agree, shop around until you find someone who will sit and work with you. any decent tattoo artist will spend the time to draw out an idea with you if they want to make the sale.
  19. Do you happen to have the dimensions of that box? I'm going to be installing to JL12W3's here shortly.
  20. Kudos...welcome to the fam
  21. Didnt know how I felt about a crew cab SS but I'll tell you that I wish GM made one now after seeing your pics. Looks killer.
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