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Posts posted by juriha

  1. Conyak?!? :crackup: Cognac...:pimp: This poll sucks, def. not enough choices and definitely not diverse enough, however for liqour I love my Crown Royal and for beer I like micro brews, and of course my own homemade brew. I got a Pumpkin Spice in the fermenter right now!

  2. Update: Motor has been pulled and torn down. Cylinders 7 & 8 failed horribly, (see pics.) The block appears to be fine minus a nick out of the bottom of cylinder 8 wall...however I believe with it being on the very bottom the stroke of the motor wont be affected by it, its going to the machine shop tomorrow to be checked out. I kind of feel like the guy doing the work is raking me over the coals so to say. According to him to do the 408 turn key would come in around $7800, or buying a reman LQ9 and adding a Radix would come out to the same, that would be hoping to find a used Radix in the $3k range. That puts me at around $3k out of pocket and honestly I dont know if I can really swing that right now with the new house and other s#!t I have to get done before the snow flies. Keep in mind those figures are including TC and headers but not taking into account the small stuff like spark plugs, gaskets, etc. which adds up quick as well. I really hate to just stay at stock with this oppurtunity and I thought $6k would be enough to accomplish something. I know I need to get ahold of Zippy, fully intend to soon. Just kind of at a loss on where to go, really contemplating just going to get the truck and all my parts and pieces and bringing it home and going about this myself. I have plenty of friends with the know how to get all this stuff done, but the process would be much slower. Without further adue...heres the carnage...


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  3. Im a big fan of a really dark blue, that looks black in low light conditons but pops in the sun...I wanna say it was called midnight black or midnight blue or something like that. IMO the darker the better on that type of truck...That bimmer does look sick, I like that color the most of the 3.

  4. Gets here next Wed, the 21st. Man I can't wait.


    Girlfriend is gonna be like:


    "what's that noise?"


    "No Clue..."

    "Pop you're hood!"


    After seeing it,


    "WHAT IS THAT!?"

    "Holy Shit, how'd that get there??!?"



    Haha, she is gonna be mad, guess I gotta start looking for her a toy now...



    Props to having a gf that actually knows how to recognize what it is...mine cant even figure out how to fill the windshield washer fluid or check the oil...ha.

  5. I love Mastiffs. My Bullmastiff is scared to death of my truck and she never rides in it, but she slimes the crap out of my Tahoe



    I dont have any pictures of my truck dirty. I dont think I have ever taken one, but my truck gets super nasty in the winter, especially if i go to my parents house (They live on 2 miles of buddy road).


    This late fall/ winter i will get a picture of my dirty SS


    I love them too! Great dogs. Laid back and very loyal. This is my favorite pic that my gf snapped one day, lady in the window didnt know what to do.


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