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Everything posted by The_aSSet

  1. Found some, little pricy and wrong color but whatever. http://pages.ebay.com/motors/link/?nav=item.view&id=281027353377
  2. I would think there might be a way to do that kinda like the tpms but not sure anyone has done it. Would be great for you guys with snow, no problems down here though lol
  3. Well get reading then, read read read then read some more. I started using hptuners about a year ago and have got the hang of the basics but there's still alot to learn. I'm 21 as well, its a great thing doing stuff on your own but be safe about it cause you can destroy your engine with bad tuning. Even with my base tune I probably reflashed my truck 40+ times tweaking and now its pretty dead on. Good luck, and READ!
  4. Personally, I wouldn't dive into tuning a turbo build having never tuned before. Id get at least a base tune from a professional and tweak from there. That's what I did.
  5. How have they been altered? Cali needs to chill out on emissions.
  6. Yes you need an iat sensor, SD uses the ideal gas law, PV=nRT. Pressure and temp to determine the volume of air.
  7. You have to activate that function with your laptop hooked up then you can disconnect your laptop and then record your log without having the laptop. But I've never used that cause I like to see whats going on
  8. That's for black box recording, did you buy the pro version?
  9. Then after you're done logging click the blue stop button and then go to scan> save data as, then save it and there's your log.
  10. What error message? You open the vcm scanner, click connect in the upper left of the screen, then click the blue play button over to the right and you'll be logging
  11. SD will act the same as MAF, just a slightly different way of calculating airflow.
  12. You need a 2bar map sensor to replace your stock 1bar map sensor
  13. The_aSSet

    SSS vs Viper

    Doesn't show up on tapatalk, shows up on the site though
  14. The_aSSet

    SSS vs Viper

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQCWB9vC1O4&feature=youtube_gdata_player This one?
  15. http://forums.corvetteforum.com/c6-corvettes-for-sale/3224247-fastest-silverado-ss-427-twin-turbo-awd-trade-for-08-09-c6-z06.html found this while browsing vettes. Guess its finally time for him to move on.
  16. It says it has a 4.8, but everything looks like an SS. And a salvage title. Price is way too high.
  17. Awesome, I still have the ugly stock ones. I might get new ones but not a huge priority, can't really see them unless you're up close
  18. I wouldn't think there would be a problem but i'm no expert lol that would be a Trey question.
  19. No one i've seen here uses the proton system. might try ls1tech or pt.net or even email NX, Trey there is a good guy.
  20. Price is 20,000 OBO. At the bottom of the first post. Thanks!
  21. The canister is only like $15-20 iirc. Cheap peace of mind imo.
  22. Lca's, keys up front. Hangers and shackles in the back. Or you could do a flip kit with lift shackles I guess.
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