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Posts posted by rcapone

  1. lol, hell yeah mowin down ford owners...what a KILLER idea! This is all in reference to a really old movie I saw at the drive in when I was a kid waaay back in the 70's...death race 2000

  2. Sweet...I didn't even think of tucking mine between the frame like that - better protection against any possible road debris, but hopefully I won't be running anything over other than babies and old people simply because they're worth 1000 points each :jester:

  3. 10's are probably an outside chance, but I'm not going to get my hopes up for that elusive and lofty number, lol. Probably won't do the slicks either since the wilwoods are restricting me to a minimum 20" rim, but who knows. For now the intros and street tires are stayin on.


    I decided to slap this baby on after seeing the trans temp climb to 190 last week when I got stuck in traffic. It kicks on automatically at 180 and stays on till it gets down to 165. Slapped that in last weekend and it works awesome! Mounted perfectly where the spare goes.




  4. Come on now, we both know it never ends.

    haha, tell me about it! The 'ol lady's drawn a line in the sand this time to get the house projects completed before I spend anymore $ on the SS! ...I told her the Wilwoods were the last upgrade and that was about 10k ago. The stink eye I get every time new parts show up is pretty intense bro

  5. Thanks Jason, I sure hope so! Hopefully I'll hit mid to low 11's this fall!


    Hell yeah, big cubes are the way to go for sure, but who knows what I'll end up doing there. Maybe I'll be satisfied with just doing the heads because right now it's pretty damn fast as it sits...depends on how much of a difference they make

  6. That's probably sound advice and may be something I'll do, but it will have to wait till next year. I'll probably end up yanking out the whole motor and who knows what I'll end up doing then, lol

  7. ^^^^^ Well Randy seeing how this guy doesn't have an SS anymore and drives a Ford your gonna have to be nice to him or Bang Bang out comes the Ban Hammer. I've been in here since 05 and this site is becoming more and More a Ford lovers site. If I'm not mistaken this is an SS forum. I think we need a special area in the site where Ford Guys can show off there stuff and no one gets offended. Maybe we can call it the toilet bowl section or turd section. Just a thought :P I can see why most SS guys don't even come on here anymore.

    :crackup: great idea bro!

  8. Wow way to ruin a thread. Who cares he wanted to show off a new ride for work. Much u you posting a pic of your trailer. Hey trailer threads are that way >>>..............>>>>>>


    Nice ride Shaun thanks for your services!!!

    The only one who's ruining this thread is you by trying to belittle me and making such a genius analogy of comparing apples to oranges. Way to go - maybe you should buy another SSS so you're not so jealous all the time.


    I apologize to the OP for this, but I do have the right to respond and defend myself when someone verbally attacks me. My statement about FORDS may be how I really feel about them, but at the same time, it was all in good fun.



    The OP has long term cred's around here and deserves some respect IMO. (Potentially dangerous public service every day).


    I found the subject matter interesting irregardless of manufacturer.

    No disrespect to the OP intended, but this is a GM forum and anyone who posts about a new FORD here should be prepared for a little opposition despite what they do for a living :) oh yeah, FORDS SUCK btw!

  10. Great looking trailer Randy. Time is money and anything that helps a working man get organized is a good thing.


    It's the right color too. Gonna look slick behind the work truck.

    Thanks Johnny. Yes, organization is the key! I would hate to even add up how many hours upon hours both myself and my workers spend on looking for that certain tool that seems to change each time I need something particular, lol.


    Thing looks great Randy and my lilltle Brother Randy just got one in White for his lawn equipment. The inside is open tho. All the drawers and cabinets are Pimp.

    That's cool, yeah a work trailer pays for itself in no time. Back in the day I used to work out of my truck and I would have to load and unload a pickup load of tools every single night...sucked so bad! Then I would be out on a job 20 miles from home and forget a tool so I would just go to the closest Home Depot and buy another one to save time...can't tell you how many times I did that, lol! Thanks bro, I'm loving those cabinets too!


    Very nice! That's a damn good looking trailer. What type of work do you do?

    Thanks man! I'm a remodeling contractor. We mainly remodel Bathrooms & Kitchens, but also do room additions and just about anything else except roofing.

  11. Yeah, they're comin Jason - I know I keep saying that but I wanted to get this trans issue resolved first, plus I haven't even driven the truck in 3 weeks because there was apparently an e85 shortage out by me and no one had any that was within 50 miles. Then we had all that rain pretty much all summer long. I am dropping the truck off tomorrow to have the trans installed and I think he's going to do it Saturday.

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