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Everything posted by eeekroar

  1. Man that sucks, I feel for you. First off did you get a warranty from the shop? I know the little shop that rebuilt my step dads truck, warrantied their work. I'm not by any way a engine mechanic so I can't help you there, but having more power NA than when you had your SC is VERY weird. The only thing I could think of to give you more power with the parts you listed replaced,is a different size cam. Hope you get everything worked out
  2. eeekroar


    No I missed it. Seen a preview of it on The Ultimate Fighter I DVR'ed Will check it out next week
  3. Fighting traffic, and fighting crime!
  4. This is 100% true. I can't tell you how many times I have been pulled over in my civic for dumb reasons. One of the best was, we ran your tag wrong and it came back stolen, or the time I was pulled over and wasn't even in my car for "racing" when I was inside a store buying chicken feed with an old man. I have never been pulled over in the SS, not even followed by a cop. Then again I think every cop drives a Silverado around here
  5. Yeah, it's my own fault about the deductible. I should of read all the paperwork instead of thinking my girl understood the guy on the phone. I am getting a viper on both vehicles now. I thought the new BMW alarm would be sufficient enough, considering my dog can set it off, but prying the door handle off and breaking out a window won't. I'm changing out the house locks today, since he has keys to the house. I have a home alarm system through Tapper,but it obviously not worth a crap since I climbed through window,and walked around the house without setting off the alarm. It's funny how all this shit can happen, but the one thing that gets me down is not knowing what in my transmission is giving out,an using my headers and corsa fund to fix the BMW.I'm trying to get my girl to transfer to another doctors office before it happens again. Hopefully she wont leave her purse sitting on the seat, like I say DON'T do every time we go ANYWHERE. She always says it's too heavy to bring in stores. Why do girls carry duffel bags full of receipts anyways
  6. 500 to change locks on the SSS with an 88 dollar fee to reprogram keypad. Since now the thief has my spare keys and address, maybe he will come by and cook a steak on the grill
  7. use that money on something with proven gains. Put it towards an intake or a tune.
  8. Welcome! Bolt ons, and supercharger if you are installing by yourself. Upgrade tranny
  9. After filing the police report today, I was coming home and drove a little more aggressively than normal. When I say aggressive I mean I actually hit 70 mph since I normally take 45 minutes to get it up to 45 mph. So probably not aggressive at all. Anyways, when I would be going say 45 mph and would let off the gas until the rpms dropped, then push the accelerator again. Not to the floor or anything just normal.Probably how most people drive, It would feel like the truck would slam into gear. It sort of made a clunking noise also. Not very loud,just like it engaged the gear but I could feel it pretty bad. Imagine if someone would have the rpms up slightly in park then engage drive, that kind of clunking noise. Any ideas on what this could be? I was planning on waiting to pay off some of my hospital bill, and now getting my windows,and paint fixed on the car before I upgraded the trans any,but it seems like when shit goes wrong. Everything goes wrong. Any ideas would be much appreciated. Thanks
  10. I think I like the orange more than white. If you want to keep them, you should try red, like a ghost mark
  11. Silverado SUPER SUPER sport. Only runs on jet fuel.
  12. Don't sell that beast! It looks so clean. Like a piece of candy Did you repaint it the same color, or change the door jams and everything?
  13. Man you should get one of these sweet ass Air Bag riding suits like Ben Spies wears I've been looking for a 600 for months now, and will defiantly look like a power ranger when I get it. Plus, nothing wrong with looking like you missed a turn at Laguna Seca, and ended up on the highway. I travel to Florida at least one a month and ALWAYS see the guys with shorts, wife beater to show off their tattoos,and backwards hat.
  14. Yeah man, Get some leathers on that fragile skin. We can't have SSS guys loosing ass cheeks.
  15. Damn, man I'm glad your okay. At least you didn't get ran over after you went down. I had a friend die that way. Seems like the SS guys are having no luck this month.
  16. No cameras. BUT WAIT THE STORY GETS BETTER! I stopped by my moms house to get some money until our debit/ credit cars get unlocked and locked my keys in the truck. I remembered I left a window open at the house so we used my moms car to drive here. I climb in window, and let my girl in and she says" I put your spare keys in my purse the other day" So now the thieves have my address and my keys to my truck.
  17. I had a window tint ticket on one of my other cars, but I was orignally pulled over for speeding. Sold the car and was let out of the ticket so did not have to pay. Did they say they pulled you over for tint specifically?
  18. I just use photobucket or imageshack
  19. Defiantly make some random turns and if they still follow you file a police report. I have a guy that lives down the street from me that I thought was always following me. Then I seen his srt-10 about six house down. Good thing I didn't jump out making a scene.
  20. eeekroar


    Before oil change. You can run it through your gas tank, and brake booster now.
  21. Been to many strip clubs, never sky diving. Never go into the back ,unless you ask how much a personal dance is first.
  22. I had a doctors appointment today, but left my wallet in my BMW. I let my girl drive it to work, so figured I would stop by and pick it up on the way. She also works at a doctors office with tons of old patients. I get there and see the passenger window busted out with huge key marks going down the side of the car. I went inside to tell her, she said she left her purse in the floor board. I called the police to file a report. The person stole my wallet and her purse, but left my ipod. I guess the theif didn't like Pantera. I called the insurance company and found out I have a $1,000 deductible for each cars, not both like I thought. So it looks like I might have to pay out of pocket. Oh yeah, my alarm did not go off when it happened. It did go off while I was standing next to it filing a police report. I guess BMW sets their alarms to go off after the break in so you will know for sure your shit was stolen. Sorry for ranting, today has been a bad day.
  23. Welcome AWD Silverado SS all the way. I've had a RWD Silverado before, and nearly died in the rain from hitting a puddle in a turn making the rear end loose traction,then spinning into the trees. Never been through Ice in it,but I know tons of guys on here have no problems. I know the RWD SS are spectacular trucks, but if you want assurance in snow and rain. Get the AWD IMO
  24. YET! Be warned, when do get attacked by the Modding Boa Constrictor, it will put a tight grip on your wallet and never let go. What plans do you have for your new beast? Post some pictures up when you get a chance. We go crazy around here for SilvySS porn!
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