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Posts posted by chawkins6789

  1. The sote admin want to get us meeting up agin. We have a few members that frequent both forums and seemed right to combine them. This will be a test run and I am wanting to get maybe a quarterly area thing going. Maybe a regional once or twice if this goes well and other mods from both sites follow suit. Then if everything works out in a year or so we can put together a national meeting somewhere. A pickup pilgrimage. But I am getting ahead of myself. I want to get an SS or 2 at this one. Ill have the only 6.0 by the looks of things.


    Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 using Tapatalk Pro

  2. I am putting togwther a meet Dec 14, 2013. It is a GM-TRUCKS.COM meet, but it is open to you guys. It will be in the Castaic/Santa Clarita area around 11 am.


    It will be a BBQ/pot luck. I will be dragging my personal grill to it. If anyone is interested and wants the final details PM me. We have 4-5 right now and will be a pretty chill meet.


    Hit me up guys. The more the merrier.




    Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 using Tapatalk Pro

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