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Everything posted by Dylan06SS

  1. So I'm gonna do a little analysis for my final post in this thread b/c I grow tired of dealing with this loser. We have in our midst a simpleton... but not just any simpleton... this guy is still living with his parent, letting them pay his bills, while he drives around like hes still in high school. Looking for girls in his truck that sits on more money in rims than he has in his bank account. "How old is this guy?" You might ask... by his own admission 21 yrs old. So rather than dedicate any more time to this I'll just end by pointing out how truly pathetic this guy is and leave it at that. By 21 yrs old I had a career, a house, a couple of investments, and money in the bank... this guy still lives at home and lets his parents pay the bills. Utterly pathetic in the truest sense of the word... I almost feel sorry for him.... almost.
  2. Why does he end EVERY sentence with "!!" ??
  3. Can't say I blame him... you'd have to pay me more than $2600 to deal with your attitude. Sponsored by Mommy & Daddy Kustomz huh?? That explains a lot. People that don't work for their possessions rarely have respect for anything or anyone in my experience.
  4. Hey ... at least your man enough to own up to it ... Some people (26dub ss) on this site just blame the "System" and how it's injustices cramp their lifestyle .... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah... its not his (26dub) fault... I mean how dare GM build a truck with 345 hp... how dare the state of Arizona post a speed limit... the audacity of the police to pull him over... and the unthinkable fine... I mean how on earth could a guy be held responsible for this
  5. Don't hold back man.. tell us how you really feel. 26dub... its obvious you are very immature and don't deserve what nice things you have. If this isn't a wake up call I don't know what is... some day reality is gonna come along and bitch slap you and when it does I hope it doesn't involve anyone else getting hurt.
  6. You need a helmet to run in the 13's??? That sux b/c I'm estimating 13.6-ish.... anyone got a helmet I can borrow?? If I remember right they require long sleeved shirts and pants as well, right? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Dylan, I can bring my helmet with me if you want to borrow it. I am not going to be racing, so I don't need it. Do me a favor though and don't put any gel in your hair, because I don't want the lining to get gewy.... Also my buddy Greg just bought a TBSS last week and he’s going to be making some runs, so it should be a good match-up <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Sweet dude!! That'd be awesome... I got an e-mail about the helmet I had ordered and it wasn't gonna be here in time so I was scrambling to find another one. I promise... NO HAIR GEL So your buddies TBSS... AWD or 2WD?? Any mods yet??
  7. HAHA!! Its our buddy Rich... the good old days
  8. Tip 1: turn your caps lock off Tip 2: put your stock rims back on if you have them. Its hard to run a competitive race on 22's (I know this first hand) and even harder on 24's Tip 3: don't do it anywhere on the streets... take it to a track Tip 4: if you lose start saving up money for mods Tip 5: have fun... its just a race.
  9. I wish they'd do a car show like top gear here in the states.
  10. Stock they run mid 14's... so its a close race, but if you get him on the launch you should be able to beat him. EDIT: just saw you're on 24's... nevermind... your screwed.
  11. I do have a tendency to draw a crowd <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Kinda like a train wreck Dylan... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> you know you can't look away
  12. I do have a tendency to draw a crowd
  13. I support nothing except my post count
  14. tons of problems... most stemming from an accident (not his fault) basically the car has spent more time at the dealer for repairs than in his driveway since he bought it. He got it in January... and its probably spent 5 months in and out of the shop. Don't take that as a bad omen... most of the problems were b/c of the accident and the dealer just couldn't get it right.
  15. They are giving decent performance for the money with each of those... the cobalt SS is a blast to drive of course you know my opinion on the TBSS I like the performance of the impala and its had the SS badge long before anything else I don't like the looks of the monte but they're quick cars only one I'm not so sure about is the malibu... but its growing on me.
  16. That is too funny...Just wanted to see it again!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That is too funny...Just wanted to see it again!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And again!!! -K- <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Since you guys like that one heres another <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Do you have one with 26"wheels going 100 through a school zone? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No... but I do have this one
  17. **** there... you feel better?
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