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Everything posted by Dylan06SS

  1. number one... but keep in mind... if you're gonna build a true clone you'll need cladding and neither of those will work with the cladding.
  2. To be honest Tom... you are a great vendor here and we don't want you to get screwed the same way other members did... I could see buying any large quantity of product from this guy going south for you and ultimately that reflects poorly on you even if it isn't your fault.
  3. wow... you bought that hook line and sinker didn't ya... the pictures are real... the story is 100% BS. The pictures are of an accident that happened last year on Pacific Coast Highway. The driver, Stefan Eriksson, was found at the scene with only bumps and bruises... he claimed he wasn't driving the car when it crashed going over 150mph. He claimed some dude named Dieter or something was and he was the passenger. "Deiter" supposedly ran off to avoid being cited for drunk driving. After investigating the police found out that there was no Dieter and Eriksson was the driver, the claim they had been racing a McClaren was proved false, and the blood sample taken from the air bag tested positive for drugs. Adding to this was the fact that the Enzo had been reported stolen in Europe after Eriksson had failed to make his payments to the loan company. Even funnier yet is a month or so after this crash, his wifes Mercedes was towed in Beverly Hills b/c it was also reported stole in Europe under the same circumstances. Eriksson has ties swedish crime syndicates and made his money in the video game industry Search the dudes name and you'll come up with all kinds of stories on him.... one VERY shady character.
  4. Im gonna go out on a limb here and say Im probably the only Dylan von Kleist
  5. I don't really remember... it was a day Chase came over and we detailed his truck.... had to be awhile ago b/c it was before his rims were black and he didn't have nearly the amount of stuff going on under the hood at that point. Damn... looking at those makes me miss my truck.
  6. Theres plenty of underseat boxes out there that'll look stock for 2 subs... I had mine built, but there are a number of prefabbed boxes out there as well.
  7. I eat Muranos and FXs for breakfast, lunch, and dinner... the TBSS just loves pickin on em I haven't run into one that fast yet, but if its based on the same engine as the Z then I guess theres potential for them to be pretty quick with some mods.
  8. styling improvements, amenity improvments, and 42% more power... seems like a worthy SS combination to me.
  9. Wasn't Frederico the same jackass that came on here and ripped off a bunch of guys a ways back?? I remember the name for a reason and I swear he stiffed Alex and a bunch of other members on their orders, which was soon followed by the ImpSS guys posting links to the scams he had pulled on their site as well... let me see if I can dig that thread up.
  10. I split my vote 3 ways.... Chad Sexton from 311 Josh Freese formerly of the Vandals and A Perfect Circle... probably the most underrated drummer of all time. Travis Barker formerly of Blink182 and the Transplants
  11. I don't think I'll ever be able to effectively put into words how much I appreciate what you, and every member of the armed forces, is doing for us on a daily basis. You are a much bigger man than I am b/c I don't think I have what it takes to put my life on the line.... call me selfish. What I don't like is that there is increasingly more reason to believe you guys were sent there for the wrong reasons, and now that you're there we don't have a way to get you out and save face. Political affilitations aside this administration has let everyone down, most importantly those of you serving in Iraq/Afghanistan/etc... just know that people like me still support you even if we don't support the actions/people that sent you there. Keep up the great work, stay safe, and know that me and my family will continue to hold you and other members of the military in the highest regaurd possible.
  12. Arent'they awesome... it cracks me up with the little guy sitting next to me on the floor while we watch TV... only thing else it needs is a cupholder. HAHA!! Tanners 3 months old today... just a month ahead of ya. You can get the bumbo seat at Target or www.bumboshop.com... its recommended for 3 months+ or whenever they can hold their heads up well enough. As for the couch... back cushions are attached, seat cushions are not. FYI - I have someone interested in picking it up Saturday AM for the $350 asking price... I told them there was a pending sale b/c you showed interest first. LMK
  13. more pics please.......maybe with a little more lighting. thanks Ask and you shall receive Hope those help.... let me know if there is any specific thing you need close up of. Theres no stains, tears, or anything. My son thought it was hillarious his dad was running around turning all the lights on and taking pictures of the couch
  14. Over on GMFS a member named Claye did a real nice beginners tutorial on how to toon using PS.... its what got me started and then I've been reading up on PS dedicated forums as I go. I'd start with that thread on GMFS if you want to get started on the basics.... it should be a sticky in the Photoshop forum.
  15. Make an offer... Like I said I'll entertain reasonable offers b/c I need to get this thing GONE by saturday AM if at all possible. The couch is black. The reddish look is probably from the camera flash.
  16. The wife and I just got back from ordering our new sofa and our La-Z-Boy sofa needs to go... Only had it about a year and a half and theres nothing wrong with it. Black textured fabric w/ scotchgaurd, includes the matching ottoman, and 2 pillows. Good quality couch... nothing wrong with it at all... just redocorating. Only catch is I NEED IT GONE BY SATURDAY!! Our new stuff shows up then and I won't have room for both in my living room. Asking $350 but I'll take offers. I can provide additional, better pics tomorrow if needed. Pictures don't really do the material justice... but I can see what I can do.
  17. those pics are kinda small for use in PS... but I'm workin on it... heres your outline....
  18. You also have to keep in mind that each truck is a little different... Back when I still had my SSS it was a factory freak and ran faster than others with IDENTICAL modifications... some trucks are slow, some are fast, most fall somewhere in the middle. PROOF: This was me (near lane) and JonmalibuSS (far lane) a while back... both AWD, both running an identical list of mods, including the same intake, tune, etc. Both running on stock wheel/tire combo... only real difference was he was without his tailgate, which should've been an advantage. Our trucks were good examples of the 2 contrasts... like I said, mine was a bit of a freak and his gave him alot of problems... just goes to show how differnet 2 of the same trucks can be.
  19. awal?? I've been around... just not posting.
  20. Hi... .... welcome to the internet.... thats an oooooooold video, but still cool.
  21. I'd like to attempt your truck next chase if you wouldn't mind. I'll be done with this one soon, so if you could get me the highest resolution pic(s) you have of your truck (preferably at a slight angle like the TBSS is I'll attempt to do yours. e-mail the pics to me [email protected]
  22. hey... if you gotta trade at least you got something with respectable amount of power and a TON of aftermarket support. IMO needs MUCH MUCH MUCH bigger rims.... looks like a big blue rollerskate rollin on that combo now
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