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Everything posted by Dylan06SS

  1. My thoughts exactly. In my experience most people who make $50k a year doing important work for a company also tend to have a decent grasp of the English language. I also find it amusing that he feels the need to brag about his income on the Internet... typically means he doesn't make but maybe half of what he claims b/c if you need to brag about shit like that you probably don't have a reason to brag. So... to wrap this gem of a thread up... you street race and get caught... blame everyone but yourself and now you get busted with weed at work... your parents must be so proud. I bet they just beam with pride each month when they have to write the check for your inflated insurance bill. I'm not going to take a "holier than thou" stance on this... I smoke... a good amount, BUT I KEEP THAT SHIT BEHIND CLOSED DOORS IN THE PRIVACY OF MY OWN HOME!! The second you take weed out into the world... especially to work... you cross a line where anything that happens to you is your own damn fault and you deserve the worst that can happen IMO.
  2. Just thought I'd share... I picked up a copy of CS2 and started playing with it.... decided my first real chop with it would be a toon of the TBSS b/c I haven't seen one yet. Heres the progress so far... still a work in progress, but if I have enough time tomorrow I should have it completed. Outline done and rims placed: Paint done, shading started, need to lighten background up or do gradient so the tires are visible.
  3. awww man... thats terrible... keep us posted... maybe it'll work out to get you a new SS??
  4. I don't think that'll sell to many TV's to the heterosexual crowd
  5. DIRECTV is soon to have the most HD content of anyone... best bet is to get in with them now before they jack the rates up. I've been with them for as long as I've had my own place and I wouldn't change for anything.
  6. you're comparing a heavy truck with the low power 6.0 (LQ4) to a less heavy truck with the high output 6.0 (LQ9) The SS shouldn't have much of a problem winning that race.
  7. You're welcome And would that be the same TBSS you said wasn't going to get more than a CAI and catback Mr. P. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Guilty as charged
  8. Thanks man... you're a life saver. If we work this out I'll be at his shop for a couple of days shooting video of him dyno tuning drag cars, muscle cars, hot rods... I think I'll be doing this for tradeout on work for the TBSS.
  9. Last month my computer got a virus and the HD was wiped out... I lost everything. If anyone has it, I need a copy of the original SSS.com video I put together. The shop that did my dyno tuning is looking to me for some promo video work and I wanted to show him that as an example. TIA Dylan
  10. Chase.... I think you've lost it man... you're off your rocker.... screw loose.... a few tacos short of a combination plate.... but thats what I love about ya!!
  11. Van Gordon & Brown Racing in Claremont CA did my TBSS and I couldn't be any happier with the results. They are a 2wd only shop for dyno tunes, but will street tune an AWD truck as well. Talk to Scott Brown and let him know Dylan von Kleist sent you. http://www.vangordonracing.com/Pages/VandB...rmancedyno.html 150 Olive Street, Unit B Claremont, California (909) 626-5232 I know they charge $450 for dyno tunes... but not sure about any other rates.
  12. The follow up episode will be how to replace a completely detonated mustang engine.
  13. just figured I link this over here for those who hadn't seen it.... probably one of the classiest, cleanest, bagged show trucks IMO... and it doesn't hurt that he had a model for his photoshoot. Enjoy http://www.showtruckscene.com/features/jeffradosta/jeff.php
  14. Hey guys... so you noticed I hadn't been around (you like me!! you really like me!!) As was mentioned... theres been a lot of stuff in my life recently that has taken up my free time where I'd usually jump on the site for a while. The new job is going great, it looks like I'm poised to take over the shift coordinators position in about 6-8 months and then take over as the DC Manager witin a year after that... I had to take a pay cut for the first couple of months which isn't easy on the family, but in the long run this should double what I was making at the last job. Tanner is awesome... its hard to explain, but as much of a PITA it is not sleeping, changing diapers, etc I've never had more fun. He was 7 weeks old on Tuesday and hes already changed so much. Pics >>>>> I'll embarrass him by putting up the bath picture Belated Merry Xmas to everyone Add to all that I've been picking up some side detail jobs for some extra cash and I'll be doing web videos and pro-photography for a couple of performance shops after the new year I've got A LOT going on. Its good to see you guys have been thinking about me, and I promise as things calm down (and I get some sleep) I'll be back on here harrassing everyone again.
  15. Great lookin' truck but need to get the ass end out of the air and get it a couple of inches lower all the way around to be perfect.
  16. I haven't had a chance to get around to posting pics yet b/c (as I'm sure any of the parents on here know) I've been a little busy with the new addition to the family. (Sorry for the huge pics... I've been using my Nikon SLR) Tanner Robert von Kleist Born 11/7/2006 @ 11:23pm Mom was in 4 hours of hard labor before they finally gave her the C-section. Its hard to understand or explain how you can instantly love someone so much when you meet them for the first time, but this little guy melted my heart from the second they handed him to me. Mommy and baby doing just fine... Me looking damn tired holding my little bundle of joy His very first moments in the world...
  17. Got it back this morning... runs great now... final damage talley: TQ Converter was replaced. 2 Silenoid clips dislodged and caused some damage The outer servo was replaced b/c the edges were chewed up pretty bad. May have been the clips floating around in there... tech wasn't sure. The gaskets around the servos were replaced as well due to some ripping. ALL THIS ON A STOCK TRANNY W/ LITTLE HP ADDED?? I get a feeling its gonna be a long bumpy road with the TBSS if this keeps up. In talking with the service manager he said of the few TBSS's they've sold almost all of them have been in already for transmission/rear end problems. There is a TSB for the rear end bearing failure, but he said not to expect this tranny to last without some help.
  18. UPDATE: Got a call from the service tech at my dealer... the TC is toasted... he said its going to be replaced and recommended (off the record) changing it for an aftermarket stall to keep it from happening again. Little does he know its headed to the Toy Shop for all the upgrades as soon as I get it back. I asked him to keep it there so I could take a look at it. Just want to see what actually happened to it... if it just came apart or what?? He says they are still trying to track down the other parts that gave out b/c there was a lot of metal particles in the fluid. Clutches look worn, band is OK, but he said theres gonna be other things... they're trying to track all the issues down first, but I should have it back today... at the latest tomorrow. According to him it doesn't look to be anything MAJOR... but they won't know the extent until they figure out what else came apart. I'll keep you guys posted.
  19. I really am beginning to wonder if I am being too hard on them b/c it just seems too coincidental that I have this many problems with GM trannies. I have to admit I did flog this one pretty bad on the 2nd run (mainly b/c I was pissed about the first run) and I more than likely caused it w/ a hard burnout and staging on the line. I'm just gonna use the dealer to get any broken parts fixed under warranty (for free) and then take it to Kendall for the upgrades... at least then hes starting with a working tranny and not having to fix problems. I should be getting a call here in the next couple of hours from the dealer to let me know what the hell went wrong. My money stays TC and maybe a band are fried.... I don't think I could've fukt up much else.
  20. Glad to hear they're taken care of you... you won't be disappointed with the results. Their prices are unbelieveable... from what I've seen the work they do would cost roughly double at most other places.
  21. The rear looks kinda strange... like when people try to use a regular roll pan on an SS and the cladding edges are exposed.... but other than that I would LOVE to get my hands on one of those.
  22. Theres an extra special, top secret, super surprise, reward when you hit 500 posts
  23. Of all the characters I end up being the Jew... ironic?
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