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hot rod truck

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Everything posted by hot rod truck

  1. The following are all replies that Dallas TX women have written on Child Support Agency forms in the section for listing "father's details". Or putting it another way... Who's yo Daddy? These are genuine excerpts from the forms (truth be told??). (Number 11 takes 1st prize and #3 is runner up Number 5 gives new meaning to people from Virginia ) 1. Regarding, the identity of the father of my twins, child A was fathered by Jim Munson. I am unsure as to the identity of the father of child B, but I believe that he was conceived on the same night. 2. I am unsure, as to the identity of the father of my child as I was being sick out of a window when taken unexpectedly from behind. I can provide you with a list of names of men that I think were at the party if this helps. 3. I do not know the name of the father of my little girl. She was conceived at a party at 3600 Grand Avenue where I had unprotected sex with a man I met that night. I do remember that the sex was so good that I fainted. If you do manage to track down the father, can you send me his phone number? Thanks. 4. I don't know the identity of the father of my daughter. He drives a BMW that now has a hole made by my stiletto in one of the door panels. Perhaps you can contact BMW service stations in this area and see if he's had it replaced. 5. I have never had sex with a man. I am still a Virginian. I am awaiting a letter from the Pope confirming that my son's conception was ejaculate and that he is the Saver risen again. 6. I cannot tell you the name of child A's dad as he informs me that to do so would blow his cover and that would have cataclysmic implications for the economy. I am torn between doing right by you and right by the country. Please advise. 7. I do not know who the father of my child was as all blacks look the same to me. 8. Peter Smith Is the father of child A. If you do catch up with him, can you ask him what he did with my AC/DC CDs? Child B who was also borned at the same time ... well, I don't have clue. 9. From the dates it seems that my daughter was conceived at Disney World; maybe it really is the Magic Kingdom . 10. So much about that night is a blur. The only thing that I remember for sure is Delia Smith did a program about eggs earlier in the evening. If I had stayed in and watched more TV rather than going to the party at 146 Miller Drive , mine might have remained unfertilized. And now for my personal favorite..... 11. I am unsure as to the identity of the father of my baby, after all, like when you eat a can of beans you can't be sure which one made you fart. Yep, you guessed it right - you are all paying taxes to support these intelligent souls. Quite a few members in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area too...HMMMM
  2. Merry Christmas everyone Some favorites of mine: and a commercial for their upcoming animated movie Feliz Navidad- Hollywood Version Twisted Chipmunk Christmas
  3. youcandoit2.wav GO DETROIT!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!
  4. Come on old timer, I figured you would recognize Rich right away. I knew Steve would I thought I might have gotten you to bang your head on the keyboard when you saw the pic and I read it, I just remember you had "I kissed a girl and liked it" under your avatar pic long ago. I'm teasing...no...really...just teasing
  5. Mr 43%---That's funny! Since Mel agreed 100% with your post she'll have to change her avatar sig back to " I kissed a girl and liked it" Steve, I agree with what the site was for many of us and have met many members as well. Hopefully we can stay in touch with one another as I see this site declining more as time goes on (truck out of production for 2 years, first ones are 6 years old, being sold and traded) and more and more "old timers" will be gone or lurking rather than posting. As far as the closing/locking threads it's probably is because of this guy: or this guy:
  6. Thanks Mike One of these days I may master the English language
  7. Know about that place. Learned how to fold laundry there
  8. True, but most criminals are too lazy to hang out in a parking lot waiting for the opportunity to carjack somebody especially if they have to spend a lot of time waiting. Bigger chance of carjacking you at an intersection stoplight or gas station as you pull up to park. JMO
  9. Sorry Brad, but it's not true Carjacking-Snopes
  10. Yup, Alyce has a bunch of family in Columbus so we're over that way a couple times a year
  11. Depending on your state laws regarding custody, you should be able to petition the court for review/change of your custody arrangement. Custody agreements will change because circumstances change. Example: You or your ex move to another town. Obviously, there would need to be a modification of custody. There are parenting guidelines the court uses to determine visitation and child support. The court also will look at issues such as overnight guests while the child is there, usually more of an issue the younger the child's age. The judge you go in front of can affect the outcome by his/her interpretation of these guidelines. He could look at what your ex is doing and rule in your favor or determine it's not really much of an issue. Contact a domestic/family law attorney. They should be able to answer most of your questions before you ever get to court. They will also know what judge is more favorable towards your position. Also remember that it's a two way street when it comes to custody so your ex can ask for modifications that can affect you as well. Good luck, Jeremy.
  12. Always good to start off on the right foot with Mother just in time for the holidays, Steve . I guess she wasn't Miss Congeniality back in her pageant days So,guess no mother/daughter threesome anytime soon. You'll still have a Happy Thanksgiving BTW, any pics of Mother?
  13. Yup, but the kids don't know that. Happy Thanksgiving Thanks Hank
  14. A young man named John received a parrot as a gift. The parrot had a bad attitude and an even worse vocabulary. Every word out of the bird's mouth was rude, obnoxious and laced with profanity. John tried and tried to change the bird's attitude by consistently saying only polite words, playing soft music and anything else he could think of to "clean up" the bird's vocabulary. Finally, John was fed up and he yelled at the parrot. The parrot yelled back. John shook the parrot and the parrot got angrier and even ruder. John, in desperation, threw up his hand, grabbed the bird and put him in the freezer. For a few minutes the parrot squawked and kicked and screamed. Then suddenly there was total quiet. Not a peep was heard for over a minute. Fearing that he'd hurt the parrot, John quickly open the door to the freezer, the parrot calmly stepped out onto John's outstretched arms and said, "I believe I may have offended you with my rude language and actions. I'm sincerely remorseful for my inappropriate transgressions and I fully intend to do everything I can to correct my rude and unforgivable behavior." John was stunned at the change in the bird's attitude. As he was about to ask the parrot what had made such a dramatic change in his behavior, the bird continued, "May I ask what the turkey did?" Happy Thanksgiving
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