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Everything posted by CoolBlueSS

  1. Oh we have a "ranch" now? Mr. P. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> looks more like a "compound" than a "ranch" lol <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Park all his cars out there then it'll look like a salvage yard.
  2. We need a drooling smiley in here.
  3. You just want to dig your hole deeper and deeper all the time! I can't believe you would come back with a comment like that, your probably guilty of doing the same thing. Let me tell you this, I WORK FOR EVERYTHING I GOT!!!! I'm sure there are many, many here that do the same! I don't do any "quick come ups" as you state, so no, not everyone is doing it. Unf**king believable!!!! BTW: Sorry for your loss man! I know it may be hard to see any good in this, but materialistic things can always be replaced. Be thankfull that no one was home which could have ended up very badly. Hopefully your insurance will take care of everything, good luck! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Same here. If I had my way thieves would be shot on sight or hung from the nearest tree. It' f-ers like you thatmake me want to take the law in my own hands. You think it's ok to"make the quick come up"as you so elegantly put it. Let's see if you have that same attitude when somebody takes your shit. Btw, I've had to cars stolen from me, so I'm a little passionate about this subject. It sucks bigtime. Hope you recover from it.
  4. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> <{POST_SNAPBACK}> <{POST_SNAPBACK}> oh btw, your mom says hi. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> <{POST_SNAPBACK}> <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What a dork.
  5. I don't have an American accent. I speak Texan.
  6. Yeah that is definently awesome And you definently have about the best truck on this site. Whenever I'm telling people about silveradoss.com I always tell them to check out 04Chase's truck <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I've been a fan of Chase's truck since I signed up on here. Good stance along with the cowl hood, speedstur cover, just has a smooth clean look. The flames really make it stand out. Very nicely done.
  7. Black, You can't really know for sure that there is nothing. We have pulled over SUV's with whole families in them, people dressed as preasts, men or women with their kids, etc... and found hundreds of pounds of drugs or people stuffed under seats, in trunks or dashboards. One cant say that just by the way a person looks or acts that there is nothing else there. (By the way, I work in sothwest texas). When searching a vehicle we are doing our job. People should be glad that we are searching vehicles and FINDING drugs (or illegal aliens) being smuggled accross our highways. If you know you have nothing, good. The officers will not find anything in your vehicle. I've had my vehicle searched, it's all part of the job law enforcement officers are doing. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You have a valid point, but you're in an area close to the border that is known for smuggling. You not only know what to look for, but also know that anyone, no matter what they look like, could be potential criminals. We were moving my mother-in-law from Victoria back to Nacogdoches a couple of years ago. Driving a Uhaul north on hwy 59 (I'm sure you know of the area), and I was fully aware, and preparred, to be stopped and searched. I had no problem with it, because all I had was furniture in it. We weren't stopped, btw, but Jon's situation seems a bit extreme. Sounds like a case of young guy in a hot car/truck, so we have to be able to get something on him. Not saying he wasn't doing something that warranted being pulled over, but it just seems, by Jon's account, that they may have over stepped their bounds.
  8. Geez, not another, "This magazine says my car can beat your car.", posts.
  9. That's the problem. The older cars used a a rubber bushing (rag joint)between the shaft and steering box. This system was used for 40+ years with no issues. Then in steps the gubment, and says this is unsafe. It needs to be updated. So, engineers have been chasing their tails ever since working on a suitable replacement. Kind of like reinventing the wheel.
  10. I think you'll gain some respect with this post. It really says alot about your character, and yes, we have a few Dodge people on here. But they're not the arrogant type. In fact, 1STDODGE is a former SS owner, so he knows the ins and outs of both.
  11. It's freakin' crazy. People are going to be going nuts over these things till Christmas. The price on them will be so inflated that it could cause nose bleeds. If you really want one why not wait till after Christmas when there will be plenty at a reasonable price. It's a good marketing strategy, though.
  12. Alot. J/k. Not sure about dry weight, but title weight is 5500 I think.
  13. how the hell does that smilie fit this situation.... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> His responses rarely ever fit the situation.
  14. You may be a good driver, but racing on wet roads is an accident waiting to happen. Imho, you got lucky.
  15. I have alot of favorites, but probably at the top of my list is Taco Bueno.
  16. There's alot of Mercedes influence from the G-class line.
  17. perk03z06, you are correct in assuming DIC is driver information center. Could it be possible that those switches are bad?
  18. They could have at least color matched the front plate bracket.
  19. With daisy wheels. What happened to her? She used to post once every 14 seconds.
  20. Good decision to go with a GM extended Warranty. Like Cody said, typical used car once over stuff. Common problems are steering shaft klunk, front end noise on slow turns (AWD), Listen for gear howl in front or rear diff. Mine was replaced under warranty. That's all I can think of. Good luck.
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