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Everything posted by CoolBlueSS

  1. There's alot of Mercedes influence from the G-class line.
  2. perk03z06, you are correct in assuming DIC is driver information center. Could it be possible that those switches are bad?
  3. They could have at least color matched the front plate bracket.
  4. With daisy wheels. What happened to her? She used to post once every 14 seconds.
  5. Good decision to go with a GM extended Warranty. Like Cody said, typical used car once over stuff. Common problems are steering shaft klunk, front end noise on slow turns (AWD), Listen for gear howl in front or rear diff. Mine was replaced under warranty. That's all I can think of. Good luck.
  6. That's one of my favorites, too. I had an 85 Buick T-Type that was dark grey metalic. I miss that car.
  7. wow, you must be beating em off with a stick with that attitude... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> More like just beatin' off.
  8. some of these have some truth to them <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes they do.
  9. I vote blue. Seriously though, it's all a matter of opinion. Black looks damn nice cleaned up, but is a biotch to keep clean. Besides, every black vehicle I've had has been a problem car, so I determined that's my bad luck color. Not a big fan of red, no offense intended, but there's just too many red vehicle. I just fell in love with the arrival blue when I saw it.
  10. I get those nights about every couple of weeks. It definitely sucks.
  11. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Dude, seriously, serious question are you on drugs? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Probably not. He just needs to grow the f*** up. That's crazy. I hope they catch the people making the threats, and no one gets hurt.
  12. Probably not what you want to hear, but she probably doesn't have much recourse. Employers usually document things pretty well in these cases before they take action. Somewhere buried in the fine print of something she may have signed at some point probably states that she could be let go for any infraction. It sucks when that happens, big time, but it's probably best to do what she's doing. Get her GED, and move on to something better. Good luck.
  13. What about the track between Denton and Sanger on I35.
  14. Good advice. He will be in our prayers as well.
  15. Keep us posted. Depending on where/when I may be in.
  16. I also think that's a great commercial. Maybe it's because we're Chevy people.
  17. I will eventually go with HID. Right now it's stock.
  18. Since we moved I run into a couple of SSS during the week. My wife runs accross a couple every day going to work.
  19. It looks much better out if the box. Very nice.
  20. I voted for Bush both times, and honestly, I'd do it all over again. Sure he's made some mistakes, and butchered the English language, but can you imagine Al Gore or John Kerry standing at Ground Zero with a bull horn and his arm around a fireman. I can't.
  21. Those would probably sell.
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