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Everything posted by CoolBlueSS

  1. I left work at 6:00, and it was 9 pages. Now.12?
  2. That's good. A friend of mine's dad was in law enforcement most of his adult life. He passed away in 1997 from cancer, but there's one story that sticks in my mind. His son (my friend) was working with him on some survailence. He was taking pictures to help catch a drug dealer. Anyway, one night on their way to the station they got a call for a break in, and caught the guy. He was calling my friend's dad every name in the book. He just calmly put the perp in the car and took him to jail. We asked him later as my friend recanted the story, and we asked him, how can you deal with that? I'd be wanting to beat his ass. He told us that you can't take anything personal. Just do your job, and enforce the law. If you take it personal, you'll be one miserable SOB at the end of every day. I've tried to remember that in my own line of work, as hard as it can be.
  3. Then your parents (or whoever has you on their policy) insurance is about to go up.
  4. I say we send this cat after him.
  5. Yeah that's right up there with those Katrina VISA cards... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And the fact that some of them were no where near N.O. when Katrina hit.
  6. I think we can officially call this a post whoring thread.
  7. buy a 69 camaro ss <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Please don't. I don't want to see it desroyed.
  8. There's alot of engineers I'd like to smack up side the head.
  9. Exactly what I was thinking, there's more to the story here. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That's what I'm thinking. There's more to this than meets the eye. Hopefully this kid pulls his head out and grows up before he kills someone. Including himself.
  10. They are alot like the General Grabber UHP tires. I just put some on my truck, ans so far really like them. Had some semi heavy rain this morning and they haldled very well.
  11. Dylan, just cut his back pack open.
  12. I've read that before. Very good stuff. My 3 1/2 year old comes up with stuff like that out of the blue. It's heartwarming when they do.
  13. Looks like this thread was created to start some drama. For some reason you think the officer was in the wrong by giving you the ticket. Maybe not completely, but you think he needed more before issuing it. It really doesn't matter either way wheather you go to court or pay the fine, you're going to pay the fine. I promise you the cop WILL show up on this one, and I'd be willing to bet that if you bring up the fact that no radar was used, your fine would be increased. Given the nature of the offense, and your 2 priors. Hopefully you will learn your lesson before someone dies. And yes, I was a street racer from waaaaay back. When cars had big engines with lots of power. I learned my lesson by watching others be killed. It's not a pretty sight. You want to race, go to the track.
  14. Sounds like the major hurdle has been passed. Open heart surgery has become so routine in the past 20 years, and technology keeps getting better. I could not tell by your posts that you're 19, not that that matters, because it sounds like your dad is a good man that has raised a good son. Let him know that you love him, and are there for him, and that will keep his spirits up. He'll be fine, but you and your family will be in our prayers.
  15. Haha, you are horribly misled if you believe that. <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  16. That'll be a sweet ride. Not too bad for $2K from the pictures at least. Body looks pretty decent for a 43 year old truck.
  17. Looks good. That's the first thing I did to mine when I bought it. I think it was done in the first week.
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