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Everything posted by CoolBlueSS

  1. I have heard that one, but still funny.
  2. That's just wrong on sooooooo many levels. But funny.
  3. Sounds like you have a huge problem with women. Cheating isn't cool man, you just digging yourself a hole. <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  4. I want to figure out how to hook up a generator to electrify the entire vehicle. That way if a thief touches it all that will be left is a pile of burnt dust. As bad as it sucks, and I've had 2 vehicles stolen, an alarm will only stop amateur thieves. A pro will get it if they want it.
  5. I think that's a testament to the members as well as the Admin on this site. We just have some really good people here.
  6. WTF, is this about? I don't believe God Punishes. I used to, but now I see him as a giver of stregth. Someone that will carry you through the tough times, and see you through to the other side. Let Him help you through this. It will help your hurt heal. Just remember that we're all here for you, too.
  7. No it's not stock fill for the transfer case; you get it at the GM dealership parts counter; $8-9 per bottle, you need two bottles. Mr. P. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I did this on my 03, and it's definitely quieter.
  8. No kidding. Sounds like this rep doesn't like their job.
  9. I know what you mean. A bunch of us went to a show about 15 years ago, back when the mini truck scene was big. One of the catagories was best GM non Chevy. There was myself with a 70 GTO, a friend of mine with a 69 GTO, and a third friend with a flawless 78 T/A. The only other GM non Chevy there was a lower, graphiced out GMC S15. He won.
  10. I'm dissapointed. I was looking for boobs.
  11. The Vette, no question. No1, my size. 6'5" 320 lbs., I have a better chance fitting in a Vette than a Ferrari. 2, Bang for the buck. 3, Parts availability, ans serviceability. A ferrari will require more routine maintenence, and cost 3 to 4 times what a Vette (even a Z06), IF you can find anyone that can work on it. Besides, the Vette would be easier to hop up.
  12. Those are some nice looking wheels.
  13. You could just about get a complete setup for that. I'm going with dual 50 series Flows on mine. All the way out.
  14. I didn't get in on it, because I already have one. But, I watched the original thread, and thought that was a really cool thing you did. If more people would pay it forward more we might be able to make the world a better place. Congrats to MontanaSS. It'll look good out back.
  15. He probably could be if he wanted. Besides being really smart, he's a heck of a nice guy.
  16. I too suffer from depression, and it took me a while to figure it out. Along with the help of a loving wife, and a very good doctor. I'm not much of a drinker, just occasionally. I do know that if you find/have a good doctor that gets you on a treatment regiment, follow it. Take your med s, and communicate with him/her honestly on how/what the drugs do to you or for you. That way you can get on the right medication, and you will be a much happier person. They always say that the first step to recovery is admitting that you have a problem. I give props to anyone who can admit their problem, especially publicly, and admits that they need/want help to correct this problem. You want to do this to improve your quality of life, and with the attitude that you have going in you WILL kick this thing square in the ass. As someone stated, this is the point in your life that you will find who your true friends are. We're here for you, and we're pulling for you. You can do it.
  17. Sounds like things are going in the right direction. We'll keep y'all in our prayers anyway.
  18. I'm sure you've all heard about it. Just senseless to attack not only a school, but a peaceful group of people with such violence. Imo, the bastard got off easy by offing himself. Our prayers go out to the familiesin their time of need.
  19. They cinch them down pretty tight most of the time.
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