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Everything posted by CoolBlueSS

  1. I will agree that nationalization is not the answer, but the speculators are killing us. Like you said, a bird takes a dump on an oil tanker, and the price goes up $5 a barrell. It just seems strange that prices were pretty steady for a long time then over the past 4 years they've been on an up hill climb with no end, or solution, in sight. If it's Middle East politics, then drill for oil here, or find an alternative. Seems pretty simple, don't buy their product, and their price will drop.
  2. Here in texas every registered vehicle has an extra $5-10 (depending on county) fee road and bridge maintainence. Plus property taxes, tolls collected, ect.
  3. A 12576451 is the belt you'll need.
  4. I like Peanut, and Jose Jalapeno. On a steeck.
  5. All of his skits are hilarious.
  6. 1966 Ford F100, 390 3speed. Had a blast in that old truck. Eventually found a top loader 4 speed for it. Big improvement over the 3 on the tree.
  7. I agree. We all have a common interest, and it'sd great that so many people from all over the country can come together like we do. I feel like I've made alot of friends that I've never met, but hope to someday.
  8. Just think about what you carry around. Is it neccessary? Driving style has alot to do with it, too.
  9. Are y'all going to continue to offer this after this sale? I might be able to get one later this summer.
  10. This is true, but has oil always been a futures commodity? I just can't remember a time when the prices rose so drasticallyin a relatively short period of time. Even with the oil embargo of the late 70s early 80s.
  11. It seems that it would help our economy greatly, and send a message to OPEC that we've had enough.
  12. That's the position we're in, but carpooling wont work. We go in two different directions for our work, and get off at different times, plus picking up kids ect. I put $40-50 at a time in it and drive extremely conservatively.
  13. I like the looks of the Shelbys, but not worth that price. Now a 1968 GT500KR is a different story.
  14. This is a good idea. Sorry for your loss, Brad.
  15. I will be hitting you up when I get some extra cash.
  16. Front counter wholesale customer. I can deal with the techs in our shop. It's the yahoos at these fly by night, and quick lube shops that think they know everything, but really don't know squat.
  17. Update: I'm fighting back the urge to choke the living shit out of someone.
  18. Thanks guys. Victor, I've been living by those rules for years. They have served me well.
  19. At work. Not much happening right now.
  20. I would consider one As my commute is 16 miles. But, 12 miles of it is a heavily traveled section of Interstate 35. I'd be a neveous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs on a scooter.
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