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Posts posted by Bowtie70SS

  1. Unfortunatley we are a society of instant gratification. If the war is not over quickly support will fall off. The liberals are quick to point out the flaws, and as we all know hindsight is 20/20. I sincerely hope the war goes on and fullfills its original goal. The 2008 elections terrify me aaas of now the choices are shit sandwich or shit ala mode and I personally don't like either.



  2. I'm not a NASCAR fan at all. This is my .02 Why not let Toyota into NASCAR? NASCAR is just another commercialized sport these days. Just like every other sport out there. The whole grass roots of the sport died out a long time ago, and its all about the money now. I watched the race last night and saw more endorsements on those cars, inside the cars, the commercials, the pit crew suits, their tool boxes, and so forth than I have seen in any other sport that I have seen. Toyota racing will bring more money and make it more competative, so with that said, why not let them in?



    It's just principle man, pure and simple.


    I know that is a vague concept these days,

    but some people still have a commanding

    sense of it; not that you don't, but most of

    the powers that be today have long ago forgotten

    the lost art of morals and principles. :banghead:


    I agree that it's all business, but some things

    should have been left alone. The almighty dollar

    seems to be the only thing people care about

    anymore, and mark my words, we'll pay for that

    in the end! :shakehead:



    Can I get an AMEN!!

  3. Sounds like you may have pushrod issues. If the valves won't close then your pushrods are too long. Were the heads milled? I know there are different base circles on the cams and that would also cause you to need different pushrods. The LS series engines all use the same roller lifters. The link bar style won't work since you have a lifer tray that holds them.



  4. I think the problem is that when the belt stretches or if a belt which is too long is used then the tensioner bangs on the stop and snaps the head off. I broke 2... the first when I wound it up in 1st gear and let off the gas(never do that) and #2 because the belt wasn't on right. #3 I believe was from a stretched belt. Since I installed the 145a alternator and reused the 110" gatorback I have had no problems. If I break another one I'll be getting the Napa model.






    Tis but a flesh wound....But I've offed your arms you silly bastard


    (Or something like that)


    I did think of the Black Knight and Monty Python when I read your post. Good luck on getting everything fixed. On the bright side you said you were thinking of getting a new car anyway.



  6. I know nascar is about tradition and having american cars race one another, but times are changing. As much as we domestic car fans hate to admit it, the import market share in automobile sales is getting larger and larger. Hence more Americans are buying these cars and they are part of the American car culture now and can be represented in racing events. Japan builds almost all of their North American product in America because they dont' sell those vehicles any where else. The Tundra/sequoia, camry etc. are all built for the north American market so it would make no sense producing it in Japan or Asia. Even though Japan/Europe/Asia recieves the corolla, they have much different options and recieve a much smaller engine and with different safety standards and are built elsewhere such as China. It's much more cost effective for them to build these "big" Toyotas/Nissans etc in America than Japan. Mercedes does the same thing by shipping their ML production to the US where the majority of its sales are. GM/Ford/Chrysler aren't are already in huge financial trouble, they cannot afford to keep their factories in America. The autoworker unions take a huge chunk out of the production cost and if GM/Ford are to get back into the market they have to cut cost. Racing events can't be exculsive anymore as the market is split up much more than it use to be and the American product doesn't hold the share it used to.



    If the US automakers weren't making a ton of money then they wouldn't have made those "bad deals" with the unions. I work for a telephone company and I hear all the time how we are over paid. All that is opinion and just that. Don't you try to get the best deal you can? All I am really trying to say about this whole foreign car thing is this "DO WE NOT HOLD ANYTHING SACRED ANYMORE?" I think not. I will never buy a foreign car, ever. I feel it is my job to try and discourage others from doing so as well. By the way did you guys check out the website I linked to in the original post? I thought that was pretty good. Later



  7. Toyota dosen't build cars here out of the kindness of their hearts...they make more money that way. It is the same reason we build stuff in Canada and Mexico...to save money. I don't think it's right to send our work out of the country. I wonder how much a Chevrolet costs in Japan?




  8. On the front page of USA Today I read the article about Toyota joining NASCAR. What a crock. There is a website started by a GM employee called Fans Against Racing Toyota or you guessed it FART I can't help but think this is just another sign of our country spiraling downward. I saw a bumper sticker recently that said "Hungry? Out of Work? Eat your foreign car." I just had to vent a little and I am by no means a big NASCAR fan but this still bugs me none the less. In the article it talked all about how Toyota is trying to worm their way into the hearts of Americans.



  9. Don't think for one second that we don't want you home safe. It's sad that the most retarded people have the loudest voices. Believe me there are far more people who support the cause than the very vocal minority. Stay safe.




    US Army 92-96

  10. I pray to God those fools don't make it back into the White House. I didn't really believe it when I read it but I wanted to. What even qualifies this wench to be president? I don't know who will be running for president but I can't wait to see what bullshit the Democrats make up if they lose again.



  11. The clusters in these trucks have been known to fail. If the voltage is actually 15.8 then I would start by checking the main ground and battery connections. An intermittant connection can cause the alternator to go to max charge. In the old days people would disconnect the positive cable and see if the engine died to determine if the battery was charging. If it was charging correctly the alternator would max out and keep it running. You could be experiencing this thru a high resistance connection due to corrosion or loose bolts. Good luck.



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