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Posts posted by PladdPezzPunk

  1. Tell me about it!! I didnt know one simple question was gonna create all this!!


    Have you read the topic of the post? People answered your question and gave supporting reasons. You got what you asked for. If you wanted a simple yes or no then you should have made a poll. so you dug your own grave not only by the post but also by interjecting with your brainless comments. My mom once told me, "Its better to keep your mouth shut, then open it up and remove all doubt" I guess you removed all doubt. Your a f**king moron. now smarten up or shut up.

  2. my name is robert!! im so pissed right now!! the attorney is trying to charge me $2600.00 down payment to start my defense...screw that!! I'd rather just take my changes going solo!


    HEHEHE. this is your friends father. thats great. I thought money didn't matter to you. here's to that lawyer and th judge that locks you up. :cheers::cheers::cheers:

  3. Ok you wanna know how I feel? I hate paying mny to the government! Like these stupid tickets..It pisses me off because the 1st time I stepped on my truck...my LUCK..the cop was right there! When I saw him I was like S** of A B**** m*d*a f*****! seriously excuse my language! I started this thread because I was clueless on how to go at this!! N u guys did help at first but then you started to come and me like if I did this on purpose!! Imma just go to court and try to minimize my punishment. pay whatever fines and c wut happens!! They are u happy dylan?




    thats great

  4. actually I give them a check every year.  That is going down next year though, cause It's been 3 years since I got a ticket or gotten pulled over for that matter. 


    And I'm not proud of it but i screwed up and i'll admit that

    Oh no - didn't mean it that way, I was just awed at the figure you gave, that's insane. Proof again that legal problems quickly become financial problems. And vice versa. If it helps I know that totally robbed feeling, multiply your monthly insurance by 4.5 and that's my CA child support bill for my two kids. :banghead:


    yea, that goes back to doing one thing wrong and having the cops watch every move you make. They watched and I lost, but thats a whole different issue.


    Yup .... (sorry Pladd) and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts doesn't forget either .... Tickets hang on your insurance for 6 Years of Surchargers!!!!!


    BTW .... Pladd, what step are you at now?


    Yea, well I was stupid then. I think 27 but i don't even know. The insurance agent knows.

  5. actually I give them a check every year.  That is going down next year though, cause It's been 3 years since I got a ticket or gotten pulled over for that matter. 


    And I'm not proud of it but i screwed up and i'll admit that

    Oh no - didn't mean it that way, I was just awed at the figure you gave, that's insane. Proof again that legal problems quickly become financial problems. And vice versa. If it helps I know that totally robbed feeling, multiply your monthly insurance by 4.5 and that's my CA child support bill for my two kids. :banghead:


    yea, that goes back to doing one thing wrong and having the cops watch every move you make. They watched and I lost, but thats a whole different issue.

  6. actually I give them a check every year. That is going down next year though, cause It's been 3 years since I got a ticket or gotten pulled over for that matter.


    And I'm not proud of it but i screwed up and i'll admit that

  7. lol...insurance is the least of my worries@@


    Ok, then how about the 8 year old that you could have hit. that dosen't concern you? Inconsiderate ass holes like you are the same reason I always park my cars it the back of the parking lot so you can't open the door into mine. You have no respect for others.

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