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Everything posted by kissfans03ss

  1. One of our members commented a while ago that a flowmaster rep told him directly that you will lose low end torque by installing the flowmaster.
  2. personally,i think this should have a no comment vote,just vote for your choice and call it a day.the reason i say that is would not want anyone thinking ill of me or turning this into something it is not just because of my opinion on the subject,I know were all friends here and everyone has a nice truck in its own right ss or non ss so lets not get to upset with comments and the outcome of this vote,we all seem to be playing nice lets keep it that way,later guys.
  3. Can you even purchase a monkey or do you need a special certificate to be able to own one?
  4. The ony odd thing in that photo is that the back of the car is facing the front of the car,you would think the accident would have crushed or taken off the rear unless the rear of the car sheared of and the whole car was thrown together for shipment.
  5. dude that was funny,thanks i needed that i laughed my ass off. wody,kyle sorry about your co-workers.
  6. I guess that calls for a double congrats and good luck to both Eamonn and Chase I know you guys will both do well,Eamonn i was going to comment about your tricycle but then i rerad you have a handicap. cheeri-o boys
  7. correct me if im wrong our local boys in blue. But arent tint laws instated so cops can see in your car? I think if you just play nice no one will bother you. ;) Drako i think you are correct,it seems to me too many cops got killed while approching vehicles and being caught off guard.bang bang youre dead.!
  8. I think it looks alright but IMO I think it would have looked better if there was a way to leave in the grill in the vent ducts and mount the lights behind it as to where its not so obvious they are there until the lights are on. I think it looks good but i would try to leave the grills in place or try the tbss lights like stated above.
  9. Look in an Eastwood catalog they sell a product for motorcycle exhaust pipes that gets rid of the blueish hue and gets back the stainless look.I never tried it so i cant tell you how it works.
  10. I just want to say thanks to all who concieved of and made possible the idea of truck of the month,no this is not my acceptance speech yet but a little pre thanks to all who worked hard to make it happen,good luck all.I just read all the rules and like everything so far but i have one question regaurding voting,is it open to non members as well as members or just open to ss.com members.?
  11. We got the ice last week,last night we got about 4in.money from heaven boys.
  12. I've seen them advertised with 20-30k on the clock for 30 g's.Good luck.
  13. Why do you think i hate my 00 passat,every f_cking thing seems to break on it and ist usually a pita to replac e or repair.To change the timing belt the front end of the car had to come off.
  14. Same thinghappens with my hood over 50mph,i'm just living with it for now.
  15. Aside from helping dissipate heat,the original cowl induction hoods on the chevelles theoretically drew in air that would form at the base of the windsheild/hood and draw it in(cooler iar in=more horsepower out),aside from that the cowl hoods are taller alowing you to run taller intakes,carbuerators and different air cleaners.Today however it is used mostly for looks unless you buy a functional cowl hood with ram air.
  16. Im not critisizing especially beacause i dont have a sig yet but i think you need to do something with angelina,i couldnt recognize her until i saw your sig request photos.
  17. Damn straight he deserves a medal,i guess grandad still kicks ass.did someone say senior citizen!.
  18. Damn P you sould like the guy on tv explaining the process word for word
  19. the pukehead should clean up his own puke..
  20. I really liked that quote,but to be honest it seems to me more and more these days that people are becoming inconsiderate,jealous,petty little ****ers,and it pisses me off especially when someone is scraping by making payments on something nice they want that makes their loves a little nicer and have some a-hole rain on their hard work and damage their belongings.
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