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Posts posted by CenWaSS

  1. My transmission performs best at 155-ish; if you run ATF below 140-ish then water inside the transmission will never be boiled-off, you'll have moisutre trapped in there and over a little while you'll build a varnish on the face of all clutches in the transmission (bad bad bad). Also, with extreme cold (below 110) the little valves and plungers in the valve body will not move quick enough, and you'll get erratic shift behavior as a result (which is what you describe in your initial post). Both of these conditions will lead to slipping/burnt clutches. This is why even with an external transmission cooler the factory still runs the ATF through the radiator (to put heat into the ATF in the winter); I would snip a little piece of sheet metal and zip-tie it over part of the external transmission cooler for a while. The high-tech answer is to get a hydraulic oil thermostat set at 150-degrees, I would eagerly use the Tru-Cool one but it's way too hot (180-degrees).


    Mr. P. :)


    Thanks Mr P. Very good info, thanks again :cheers:

  2. Yup I would blame the cold weather; the PCM will shift the transmission differently if ATF is below 100-degrees and in the weather you describe that takes a good 5+ minutes of easy driving to get up to temp; you will know because you'll have 4th but no lockup clutch until that temp is reached.


    Mr. P. :)


    I guess I need to place something in front on the tranny cooler, my gauge never increased above 100 deg. With the windchill the news said it is more like 5 deg or less.


    I was driving for over 45 minutes and temp indication barely reached just over 100 deg, like maybe 105deg?

  3. So I took the SS out today and felt the urge to get on her. Funny thing is, when shifting into third gear she hit the rev limiter instead. I let off a little and she shifted hard (like normal) into third. I tried it again and the same thing happend. Except for hard acceleration she shifts just fine, no problems.


    I was thinking she may be acting like this due to the cold temps? My trans temp doesnt even register, as the outside temps have been well below 20 deg. Could that be the problem?


    Any ideas?

  4. Im in the solar power industry, we're doing great. High gas prices dont hurt us...its better when prices are high as it puts more focus on alternative energy. IMO Id rather have a good paying job and paying high gas prices then no job paying low gas prices.


    I agree with Mr. P, he's right.

  5. From a dig on the street its AWD all the way. At the track its a diffrent story, my buddy's (OUT2WIN)2WD SS at the track is pulling 13.80's compared to my 14.15. We have very similiar 60fts (within 0.01) but he has about 4mph more through the traps. We have similiar mods as well, though I do have a shift kit and TBTC.


    Hope that helps :cheers:

  6. In my experience, the courts will not see it your way. Unless you can prove (in the best interest of the child) the enviroment or mother is bad or unfit; I think you may be stuck. I agree with you, a modification needs to be entered.


    When my ex moved out of town with our duaghter I was so pissed. Being that she got married and her new husband resided in another town the courts basically said I had no leg to stand on. The only requirement was that she had to notify me in writing of the move two weeks prior. My visitations were increased a bit and we were required to share the transportation costs.


    Good thing is (and it is so hard) I've learned to kiss my ex's ass, but in return I get my daughter just about anytime I choose; more than the original custudy order.


    Good Luck :cheers:

  7. Bro, I have been in love with your truck for a long time. That first pic used to be the background on my computer.


    BTW, your if you look in Firemans threads he posted, my truck pics are the 1st post.


    I know alot of people always ask this . What song will you be using to go with the video?


    Thanks for the compliments :cheers:

  8. For me things are going well. My company has been building an additional 1 billion dollar plus facilty that produces Silane gas and polysilicon for solar cells/panels. Though our shares are down, the comapny seems to be doing very well. We have sells contracts set through 2012.


    Unfortunatley, we have had other industries in the area layoff over half of their workforce. I hope things turnaround for those of you effected. Housing I believe is probably about average, I personally havent seen any more than usual foreclosures in the area. Builders seem to continue building, mainly starter homes. The custom home market has definalty slowed.


    The only thing kickin my butt is my 401k. Im at the same amount I was at the end of last year and dropping. They say keep putting in but DAMN...I will be pulling out my contributions very soon but leaving in enough for the company match.

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