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Everything posted by saytagf

  1. or the old school three slow honks then hit it
  2. Have you tried a sandblaster?
  3. over $400 a month...more than my truck payment....it's time to get a bike
  4. im not here to say they do or dont exist but here's the conclusion i've come to. When i was working in television we did a couple shows for the history channel on UFO sightings and we had to travel out to these locations and interview these people and hear they're story....at the end of all that the only question i had left was....."why do aliens only abduct idiots?"
  5. what a waste....all that nitrous could of been huffed
  6. I've seen those and like em but with the ones that sit over the rails i dont loose any length of my bed cuz boards ans shit can still fit under it...but it is kinda ugly imo....i may try and get one for a mini truck and maybe make something creative
  7. No one? not a surprise
  8. Thanks man...dont wanna jinx it but it's already going far better than i expected after just 4 months...and i can show up to work when i want
  9. Well i dont really want to but with limited storage space at my new condo It seems I'm going to be putting a tool box in the back of the truck soon. Anyone have one? had one? got pics? recomendations? I was thinking something along these lines
  10. 20- Owner Perfect Touch Home Theater Installations...Co-Owner W.R.O.N.G INC. clothing...Ex-pro-am WQS surfer...Alcoholic
  12. dont forget to pop off the door lock cover thing at the top of the door there's an 8mm bolt behind there too
  13. A guy admitting he will never have enough money for his dream z06 and offering to surgically remove and trade his left nut for one
  14. get a small little torx an 8mm socket and start exploring
  15. Do you have a pic of the whole truck with this wheel/tire combo?
  16. Am i the only one wondering what the F*cka bonjie is?
  17. Ya ima talk to go kart world this week about taking over the track...now that would be a badass meet
  18. Great meet today ladies!!! now let's see some of those pics
  19. I'm going riding all day tomorrow then coming home and hopefully having enough time to wash the truck in the dark
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